Thursday, August 26, 2010


It has been a crazy day. :) My students are giving me the "teacher excitement" with the questions they have been asking in Bible time. It is showing me they are REALLY thinking about what I am teaching and want to learn more. They are coming up with some questions that are getting ME thinking, too!! For instance: "If God is in charge of our thoughts, why do we think bad things?" and "If Satan had never fallen from Heaven, would someone still have sinned? Where would they go if God only made Hell for Satan and his followers?" I don't recall ever having questions like this from my students this early in the year. I love it. Our Bible time went on a lot longer than I "intended" today, but it didn't bother me one bit.

Here are some of those butterflies I wrote about this past weekend. They are on Mikayla's Mexican Sunflowers. They were doing the "Butterfly Dance"....


Anonymous said...

Oh! my gosh! The butterflies are beauuuuutifuland tell Makayla her flowers are also.Kellie, you are gifted with that camera!! Love!!!

Mich said...

beautiful pictures.

beautiful questions.

Sandy said...

I'll have to remember "the butterfly dance"... They are thick at my house right now & doing their "dance". Little man asked me about 3 times yesterday if they were playing or fighting. I assured him they were NOT fighting...