Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Before the "tour" for the day I just had to share something from my Bible study I started this summer. I actually did this years ago but I know things have changed and, most importantly, I have changed and wanted to grasp greater truths from it. It is by Beth Moore and it is called "Living Beyond Yourself" which deals with the Fruits of the Spirit. Right now I am in the introductory chapters but something I read today was awesome. That clematis bloom above reminded me of the ending part of what I am posting below. God sees us as this blossom every day. He can't wait to open us up and let us be beautiful to glorify Him.

Remember this important fact about God. He never asks anything of us to make Himself look better. The demands He makes on our lives are NEVER for His personal gain. We cannot make Him any more God than He already is. He would be no less Lord of lords if no one believed. Every urging and exhortation of God to us is for one major reason. He desires that we have the pleasure of knowing, serving, and sharing Him. God reserves the sovereign right to be sole authority over our lives for our good, for our completion, for the conforming of our lives to that of His Son.

Good food for thought today. Now on to our "tour..."

Swiss Family Robinson house at Magic Kingdom. The kids loved this because we had just read this at school at the end of the year. :)

Looking lovely by the water wheel.

Daddy making faces when he realized I was up further than they were and was peering down on them. lol

The castle from the Swiss Family Robinson house :)

The kitchen

Waiting in line to ride the Magic Carpets (Aladdin)

Magic Carpet Ride

Magic Carpet Ride... yes, we all enjoyed it.. I just caught my guys off guard. lol

Poor Wesley had to hold Mom's purse while she was getting her picture taken with Jasmine and Aladdin. He was a good sport about it.

He wanted to be put in these stocks. lol I told him if this were during the Colonial Times he wouldn't and explained what all would happen if he was! lol He enjoyed the moment so that is all that mattered. :)

It's A Small World!!! I love this ride and it is the one I remembered the most from 27 years ago! We were there at exactly 5:00 and I thought that was so neat so I photographed the clock. lol

Many of these shots didn't turn out because it was dark, I was moving and the characters were moving. This one turned out quite well, though.

That afternoon they had a day parade. Here is Woody from Toy Story.

Mr. Incredible and Frozone

Whispering Canyon Cafe.... a crazy restaurant. If you want ketchup the server starts yelling for ketchup. The table that has all of the ketchup, literally, has to bring all of the bottles of ketchup to your table. It was quite funny.

Our server threw our napkins and straws at us and made Wesley stand up so Steve wouldn't have the sun in his eyes. It was just crazy, I tell you.

She also gave Steve all of these napkins to cover up the sun. If you ask for something you're going to be given it in crazy fashion. lol

Yes, folks, we did the Hokey-Pokey during our meal.

Before we left our server sat in Mikayla's seat and started playing with her camera and other things.

Epcot last Monday... beautiful day, but HOT.

We went to one of the little side shows and Mikayla went on stage to do a contest with velcro. (It was a show teaching about how velcro began!)




Donald Duck

Goofy... everybody loves Goofy :)


mc said...

Welcome home to us all! We never ran into you- but thought of y'all often! Wasn't it great? My WHOLE family is reading your blog now because we are re-living our whole trip through your posts! The boys want me to update mine, so I did! Keep 'em coming, Kellie!

wendy said...

Looks like you guys had tons of fun :) I've never been to Disney, but we did go to the Kennedy Space Center on our honeymoon and it is awesome! What great memories you've made. Now. . .about that Disney scrapbook. . .

Amy said...

That bloom is just gorgeous, love the DOF! :)

I loved seeing the Swiss Family Robinson tree house, they changed it to Tarzan at Disneyland. Love all of your other shots too, I want to go...but not until the weather cools off...dramatically!!! :)

Kelly said...

Loving all the pics...I can't wait for our family to go (not that we've planned a trip-unfortunately, but I'm hoping to in the near future). It looks like a blast--I'm sure tiring, but fun!
Oh, and good food for thought...what a great reminder!!

Amy said...

LOVE all your pictures! Looks like y'all had such a wonderful time!!

Glad to hear you are enjoying the Beth Moore study. I LOVE her studies!! I have did them all except 2. I am going to be upset once I finish them all. They are so good!!