Thursday, June 04, 2009


More sunflowers since we are going to "sunny" Florida tomorrow!

Today has been a day of sorting through clothes, figuring out what to take, and getting them ready to go in the morning. We began thinking of this trip two years ago and I can't believe it is finally here. I have a lot of nervous energy, as I always do before we travel long distances. I always know the Lord will take care of us... I just need to quiet down and remember that.

My camera arrived late this afternoon. It shouldn't be too hard to figure out as I have already learned a few things by taking some practice shots, but there are also a lot of things that are different. I'm going to read up in my book a bit more about it tonight after I pack.

Well, this is quite funny. I just went for that book that is under my desk lamp entitled "Gentle Spirit" and wanted to get a verse to help ME calm my nervous energy and what should I immediately open to was this little devotional. I am writing this for me, but if someone else needs it, then it has a dual purpose.

A Calming Faith
Patsy Clairmont

Psalm 23:2
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters."

I wonder if David had to be led because he was naturally drawn to the excitement of the rushing waters? It certainly is that way with us. Left to our own agendas, we either run at breakneck speeds right past the pasture, enamored with our frenzied pace, or sit in parched desert. The Shepherd, who understands our naivete and our humanity (not to mention our sheep-like stupidity), intervenes on our behalf to guide us with a strong hand onto a quiet path and into a calmer faith.

Yep, calmer faith. That's the quiet place within us where we don't get whiplash every time life tosses us a curve. Where we don't revolt when His plan and ours conflict. Where we relax in the midst of an answerless season. Where we accept (and expect) deserts in our spiritual journey as surely as we do joy. Where we are not intimidated or persuaded by other people's agendas but moved only by Him. Where we weep in repentance, sleep in peace, live in fullness, and sing of victory.

We all know what it feels like to be at rest. And we all long for that more sane lifestyle rather than being overwhelmed. But are we willing to leave the press long enough to lie down in the soothing green pastures and to be led by the still waters of His provision? That, my friend, is not resort living but restored living. And each of us needs it.


I needed that tonight. Off to lie down in those green pastures before the trip.....


Anonymous said...

Be still my dear and reach out and touch the hand of GOD. "Hush did you hear his voice" Peace will be with you all on your trip!
Love you all!!

Katrina said...

I am so happy for all your blessings! I will keep you and your family in my prayers for safe travel. Have a TERRIFIC time!

Amy said...

I hope you're having a fabulous time at WDW, I'm sure you are!!! I can't wait to see the photos you're taking. :)