Friday, December 23, 2011


Our tree in all her glory with lots of presents underneath.
This truly is a miracle that pretty much all presents are wrapped and under the tree.  We normally don't have that happen.  Last year when trying to wrap them early is when the Christmas tree fell on ME as I was wrapping.  I just didn't have it in me to try that again.

I am thankful that Sweet Man took the "gift wrapping bull by the horns" this year and wrapped 98% of what you see under that tree.  The day my brother and I were in the kitchen cooking/baking all day, Sweet Man was in the garage with his table set up and was wrapping away.  (He chose to be in the garage just so you know....)

My friend, Gretchen, did a post the other day on her beautifully wrapped gifts.  She is exceptionally talented in many areas and this was just another glimpse of that talent.

Let me "splain" how the Fowler's wrap gifts.

My gift, no pun intended, is not in the wrapping of presents.  I am doing good to get them wrapped much less put a bow on them.  Because Sweet Man wrapped most of these this year you have bows.  Don't hate that they are the stick-on variety.

If it were not for the stick on variety, most people would not have bows.  I honestly don't know what happened in the gene pool because my Mom can do some pretty fancy bows. 

She has great ability in that area.  

Me... not so much.  

I have two best friends that get into the beautiful wrapping and bow-putting of gifts.  

Again, me.... not so much.
I do think I hold a record for oldest Christmas wrapping paper.  See that below that is of the kids on the paper with the gold bow?  Sweet Man said that was the last of the 16-18 year old wrapping paper.  

Yes.  You read that correctly.

When we were first married I would always go right after Christmas and buy lots and lots of Christmas wrapping paper with my Mom.  Over the years it became quite the stockpile, except it wasn't used as it should because of these reasons:

1.  We didn't have a lot of gifts to wrap... especially when we were first married and didn't have the money to buy many gifts.

2.  We didn't have kids until 7 years after we were married so that took care of a lot of non-wrapped gifts.

3.  I can use a bag and throw some tissue paper in it quite well.  Maybe THAT is my gift!

So, there you have it... the Fowler Christmas rendition of gift wrapping.

May you walk away from this post laughing... or thankful you aren't the only one that wraps the way we do.

How do YOU wrap your gifts?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You might not be able to make a pretty bow but you sure do take a pretty picture.
