Tuesday, December 20, 2011


I have been thinking on this verse for a week or so ever since I taught this portion of Scripture again to my students:

Luke 2:19 - But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.

Can you imagine what Mary felt the night Jesus was born?

I know as a mother the feelings you experience after giving birth are overwhelming.  There are so many emotions that overtake you.  There are things that even now I remember about that day that I hold in my Mother's Heart and will never forget.

Here is Mary, she has just given birth to her Savior.... the One who would take away her own sins.  Yet, He is also her son.

Soon after Jesus is born, there are shepherds that come to worship Him.

You know that had to shock Mary and Joseph when those simple men came to bow down before her son.

I wonder what she thought.  

I wonder what she felt.

What I felt had to be miniscule compared to her thoughts because she knew why He had come... to take away the sins of the world.

Here is "Mary, Sweet Mary" by Selah.  It is beautiful.

In listening to Christmas music this season this song has struck me more than in years past.  I look forward to Heaven where I can ask her.

1 comment:

Ramblings of a Southern Girl ~ Rhonda G said...

We were just discussing this in our Sunday School class a few weeks ago. Just what did Mary think, and how much did she really know and understand about what was to come of her dear son! ---Very insightful post! I'm on my old computer, so I haven't had a chance to listen to the songs you shared yet. But have you heard "Mary Knew?" I believe it is by the Gaithers. Beautiful song!