Monday, December 19, 2011


I do love the lights of the season.

How fitting that as we celebrate the birth of the Light of the World, we have lights that brighten our homes and communities.

I have been reminded this past weekend just how important our light to this world really is.

When Jesus was born, He was born in a dark world.  A world filled with fear and hate because of the Roman Empire.

Our world today is also filled with fear and hate.   It is a world that has gone topsy turvy... what once was right is now wrong and what once was wrong is now right. It is a world that gets darker by the day.

I was appalled this past weekend to view a "skit" on a Saturday Night Live video I saw online.  It was making fun of Tim Tebow and how he constantly gives credit to the Lord for what he has been able to accomplish.  I watched the skit basically to see what the world's view of Tim Tebow really is.. and it made me sick.  It depicted my Savior in such a way that made me angry.  Our Lord is so merciful is all I have to say....
We as Christians must teach our children to be a light in this very dark world.  

It starts at home.

This past weekend Steve and I had the opportunity to talk at great length with Wesley and Mikayla about their attitudes and behaviors.  It was a wonderful parent moment where we continued to explain to them that we are not their friends, but their parents right now.  

I will not apologize for having strict expectations for my children.  

I will not apologize for teaching my children that things of the world are not on what they should be focusing.  

Our children are not perfect, but I am thankful for their listening hearts when we share with them as we did this past weekend.

We both shared with them that they have to trust us enough when we tell them no or tell them things they do not want to hear.  In learning to trust us when we guide them, it gives them a time of learning obedience to the Lord because He is their Heavenly Father Who will sometimes tell them no and things they do not want to hear.  

I want to protect them, but I also know the world is all around them.  

They must learn to be that light.

To walk away.

To stand up for what is right.

Jesus came to be the Light of the World.  Let us help spread that Light as we live our lives and rear our children for Him.

John 8:12
Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

1 comment:

Ashley Shelley - The Christian Wife Life said...

LOVE the picture, LOVE the post! So true! Man...if and when the Lord blesses me with children, I'm calling you for advice. Haha. :)

Much love,