Wednesday, June 30, 2010


My house is finally somewhat back to normal. I have cleaned for two days... and still have some areas, but at least I think I'll be able to put away the vacuum tonight!

Here is our bedroom/master bath. The original paint was "Gold 4" (that was the name from eight years ago) and it was more browny/gold than yellow gold.

I am keeping it real with these before pics because we have LIVED in our house.... and pretty much do always. lol

Notice the "spider wreath" above our bed. It was nice.... 13 years ago. My best friend coveted it every time she came over along with my "drapes".... if you can call them that. When I took them down I presented them to her in grand fashion while she was on vacation. When she returned she threw them away.... I just can't understand why. They were just covered with DUST and were all over the place. :)

Here we are with pale daffodil with a twist... a TONED DOWN twist. I didn't want a canary on my walls. Just something bright and cheerful. lol

Yet another view of the spider wreath.
Totally keeping it real in this shot. You get to see "MOUNT EVEREST" of laundry that likes to visit... a lot. Especially during the school year.

This is another before shot that I didn't really get the complete after shot.

Hopefully you can see that Mount Everest is gone. :)
No pictures right now over the TV... not sure if there will be any. No window treatments either because I don't know what I want and don't want to rush to get something.
More up close over the bed.... glad the spider wreath is out of there. Found these cute prints instead.

Now we're moving in our bathroom. This is where you can really see the color of the walls better.

I didn't realize how "dark" our bathroom was until the afters!

Can't you just feel the fresh air blowing through the windows and giving you a bright cheery start to your day? Yeah, that is what I am thinking. lol

Keeping it real again with the robes, etc... hanging on the bathroom door. It is life, people. :)
The lighting in this bathroom was the same as our hall bath.... the lights you would see in the "makeup" chair for movie stars.

LOVE my new lighting in there. I also love I get to display some of my flower pics in there!
Notice there are new towel holders. Those silver long ones are g.o.n.e.

Just a "straight on" view of the vanity and lighting.

This before picture doesn't match up totally to the after shot but I couldn't remember.... it had been a long time since I took the befores!
Yet again.... life showing with the towels.

You can see a bit of the greenery in the reflection of the mirror in the above "before" shot.

New greenery, a cute vase colored a splash of red on the baker's rack that has always held our towels and such.

Thanks for visiting our room! Let's hope it sees less of Mount Everest.

Probably not.


Anonymous said...

I don't know who your paint team was , but I would love to hire them. Hold on now just kidding don't faint!! I love your colors and they do look brighter. Should make you jump right out of bed and ready for your day . Love Love!!

Amy said...

The new color is definitely more bright and colorful and so pretty! Both rooms look great and I'm so happy to see some of your photography too. :)

Amy said...

I meant cheery where I put colorful.

Sandy said...

How pretty! The lighter shades make such a difference, especially in the bathroom, & I love the new light fixtures in the bath. Nice job! And love that you keep it real...

Gretchen said...

Wow your bathroom looks amazing!
I love the large photo prints near your tub/mirror. I always say 1 large picture on the wall is better than a scattering of little ones. You sure have a grand supply of great photos to choose from, too!

So cheerful and pretty! Your windows look bigger with nothing but the blinds, too.

Morgan said...

The change in the bathroom is unbelievable! Wow, it's so light and airy feelng....