Friday, June 18, 2010


Dahlias just beginning to burst forth with beauty.

Yes, I am still painting. Thankfully, Steve has joined in the fun a bit today.

We have had issues with the "Kilzing" in our bathroom from the bright paint. Leave it to our bedroom to be the one that has the issue. ha! It was like that eight years ago when we went from the original "clay beige" in the house to our splashes of color everywhere. I just don't know what it is.... whether it is because I want to make sure it isn't too "girly" for Steve or if we are just not so good with paint in there. Who knows.... as of right now we think we have it right. At least, if it isn't, we're going to live with it!

I will admit that I am dreading painting our bedroom. That room can be a catch-all because of where it is located in the house. There is a lot of stuff that has to be moved in order for that to be done. While I am excited for the change I know this will be challenging. Glad Steve is now going to help me on this one because I just can't move that furniture. ha!

Today we took a break from the craziness around home and went to see Toy Story 3. We surprised Wesley and Mikayla because I just love doing that. hee hee They just thought we were running errands to Walmart and Lowe's.... because we have pretty much bonded with those places in the last two weeks. I was glad they were surprised and tickled to go.

The movie was SO cute and the ending was precious. I realize your toys can't do like Woody, Buzz and all of the others, but it sure makes you think about why you are sentimental with what you have loved for so long.

Yes, I realize that was sappy.

Off to analyze more painting. I'll try to get more before and after pics up soon. When we get all of this done you all need to come on over and take a real life tour of the place. ha!


Anonymous said...

I bet that was fun!!

Katrina said...

Your photos are stunning! I really enjoyed seeing your kiddo's room makeovers too. That is a lot of fun work, I love makeovers.

I took my girls to see Toy Story 3 today as a surprise. We don't go to movies during the school year and frankly there isn't always much worth seeing. I agree this was a cute movie. Worth adding to the DVD collection.

Enjoy your summer, ours just started today!