Thursday, June 10, 2010


In honor of my brother's birthday today here is an elephant. I know you've seen it before, but just pretend you haven't. "Happy Birthday, Kev!"

Last year this time we were at Disney.
We were at Animal Kingdom on this particular day because Kevin chose that for his birthday.

I miss Disney.

One day we'll return.
As for me today - I have hit a wall. I have gone and gone all week with the painting that I had nothing to give today since we stayed up past midnight painting Wesley's room. I'm overachieving in the painting department. BUT... I figure I want to get all rooms done while the house is such a mess so I can put it all back together for the rest of the summer.

I can't wait to show you the room makeovers. You'll just have to be patient a little longer because now is the tedious part!


Katie said...

This process I've been reading about sounds like so much fun!
I know I haven't left a comment in forever and for that I'm sorry, but I have been looking and reading daily!
Thanks for your help today over the phone it was mucho appreciated! I miss you and can't wait till you can come and we can make beautiful pictures together again.
love you, : )

Mich said...

So very jealous of your time spent on the room makeovers. I'm having to do my son's room a little bit at a time.

Enjoy your summer vacation.