Monday, June 28, 2010


Beautiful lily.... more of these to come.

Last week I shared with you that I had a nice talk with the mom of one of Wesley and Mikayla's friends. There was a lot we discussed but this one has left me chewing.

We discussed Haiti.

You may think that is not extraordinary because it has been in the news so much after the earthquake and such.

It is actually beyond that... and before the earthquake about what we talked.

Haiti is definitely a poor country. There are people there who don't eat for days, have no real home, and are without so much of what we in America see as a need.

She brought up a point that I had never thought of before. She said that the Christians in Haiti (and other parts of the world like them) are closer to the Lord in many ways.

Why, you ask?

Through faith they ask God for what they need and are solely dependent on Him.

In America, we buy what we want and ask God to help us pay it off.

She gave me the story of a woman who runs an orphanage in Haiti. The woman had been praying for days for the Lord to send money because the kids had not eaten in three or four days. A person that normally paid her for a certain job came to see her and said the Lord told him to give her the money before she did the job. She said she knew why... the kids hadn't eaten in many days and needed food!

My faith has wavered so many times through the years. When hard times came I found myself questioning God instead of having the faith that He was in control and was going to take care of all I needed.

What an example that woman has set before me.... a woman I have never met and will probably never meet until Heaven. She has caused me to remember to put my faith in the Lord first.

Haiti may be poor in material possessions, but America is poor as well.

Americans as a whole are selfish and demanding. It is no wonder other countries around the world find us offensive. We say we are a "Christian nation".... but when you turn on the TV you see anything but that! The example we show to the world will be our downfall.

I am thankful for the ways the Lord opens my eyes and teaches me in ways such as this.

May the Lord find me faithful to Him trusting Him in all things instead of trusting in my own selfish ways.


Katrina said...
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Katrina said...

So true and convicting Kellie. Thank you for posting from your heart!

p.s. The post above was from me. It had a typo and deleted it :)

Sandy said...

What a good reminder to faithfully trust the Lord in ALL things!
And beautiful picture!

Gretchen said...

Wow. What a great reminder. Thanks, friend!