Friday, June 25, 2010


So what else are Wesley and Mikayla up to while I paint?

Simple adventure.....

Fill your old wagon up with water, jump in (notice Wesley is hanging on for dear life) and "steer" it down the driveway.

Try to get out of the way of your child who is driving so you are not run over while trying to capture the moment! Notice that Wesley is still not all the way in the wagon. lol

Wesley's turn in the driver's seat. You would think they were competing in the bobsled for Winter Olympics the way Wesley looks.

Take off!
(They were dragging Steve's golf bag cart behind them....)

Down the driveway they go.
You just wouldn't believe how much laughter comes from them when they do this. These are the memories made that are not costing much but will live on in their hearts as good times.

Maybe one day Steve and I will try this.

Then again... maybe we'll just keep watching them. lol :)


Katie said...

Oh summer I miss you.

Looks like they are having no trouble at all finding something to do while you work...wish i could do that!

Gretchen said...

What a hoot!!! They'll treasure these memories forever.

Amy said...

You can see they're having the time of their lives! So cute and sweet! :)