Sunday, January 31, 2010


Drip, drip went the snow today.

Black ice tonight.

No school tomorrow.


wendy said...

Very cool icicle picture, Kellie! You've got a knack, girl, you've got a knack.

And the jealousy sets in about you not having school. . .we've not had a snowday yet because all it's done here is RAIN.

Katie said...

Yay for no school, we don't have it either tomorrow!
: )
lovin your snow pics!

Kelly said...

I'm glad there is no school, but could you please call my boss and ask him to have a snow day at work. ;0) I want to stay home too!!

Gretchen said...


Amy said...

The black ice is what used to scare me, the snow wasn't a big deal. Awesome shot!