Monday, January 25, 2010


Anyone in need of a birthday cake?

You may want to call "Mikayla's Bakery" for that order.

This past weekend we had some of our friends over to celebrate the husband's birthday. Mikayla wanted to bake a cake out of her new cookbook.


From scratch.

Frosting, too... not the can stuff.

She has "Betty Crocker" as her Mother, so why not? lol

We had to change the recipe up a bit to go with the pans I had. That is scary for KELLIE to change up a recipe. I was on the phone with Mom just making sure I was doing it "right."

Aren't her layers beautiful? We actually overcooked them before we realized it because we were going by the original recipe and not the change up, but it was still good. LOL

Homemade frosting.

Oh. My. Word.

She and I could have eaten this whole bowl. I am honestly thinking of making some plain vanilla just for us to "munch" on... so nutritious.

I helped her with the sides and she spread the frosting on the top.

Layer one, check.

Layer two....

Layer two getting iced....

She and I enjoyed the spatula and using our fingers in the icing.

I did the swirl on top... aren't ya proud of me?
I was very proud of my Mikayla Girl. I made her do most of it and helped her with just the things she would need. We had some good math lessons (and her Mom learned, too). It was a fun time together!


Amy said...

Mikayla, what a gorgeous and simply yummy looking cake, I'm impressed! I think you may take after your Uncle Kevin, not that I know him, but just from what I've read here on your mom's blog. :)

mc said...

Does Mikayla's Bakery take orders? What a yummy looking cake! I've been catching up on your blog, Kellie. Missed about 5 days. I love your post about The Shack book. I really enjoyed that book, too!

Gretchen said...

I'm very impressed!
Cute candles, too.

Sandy said...

Wow, I'm impressed! I'm pretty a "make-from-scratch" cook in everything, but I don't do cakes from scratch. I do like to make my own frosting (so much better than that canned stuff!) And we like it as the filling between 2 graham crackers...
I laughed at you wanting to make sure it was exactly right... I almost always change some ingredient in a recipe.
Love the pictures! What a cute little gal! (Mama too!)