Friday, January 22, 2010


Here I am in front of Fort Macon. I thought it was fitting since this post is about ME today. LOL :)

I "stole" this from my friend Wendy's blog. I thought it was something good for a Friday.

1. When was the last time you craved a food--what was it, and did you crave?
Hmmm... it would have to be something sweet. Chocolate is always first on the list, but recently I finished off the "old" Christmas candy.

2. M & M's or Skittles? M&M's.... can't really stand Skittles. They are just tooooo sweet.

3. Have you ever read the Bible completely through? Well, to be honest, can't say that I have ever done that cover to cover. I always got stuck in the geneology parts and "gave up." I must say, I enjoy concentrating on certain sections and learning that more than buzzing through.

4. How long does it take you to really wake up in the morning? It really depends. Some mornings I am pretty much awake right after my shower at 5:00am. Other days, it seems I don't "wake up" until lunchtime. My poor students....

5. Have you ever been on a cruise? No, but would like to go on an Alaskan Cruise one day. Steve says that is what we're doing for our 20th anniversary. He has three years to get that planned.

6. Who is your favorite actress? I honestly do not know. I am not good with names on most actresses (or actors)... just ask Kevin. I guess if they can act and are pretty decent I don't mind them. lol

7. ______ is something that I will just never understand. I don't know where to begin on that fill in the blank. There are a lot of things I could put, but some would not make sense in my typing them out. Let's just say I have many things and leave it at that.

8. How much of a technology junkie are you? I love my computer and have learned much of what I know by teaching myself. I have always loved to figure out certain types of things. I enjoy using certain programs, but am not a "slave" to anything other than my computer and even that is mainly email/blog/facebook, etc.... I don't have a palm pilot or ipod or anything like that. I don't even text on my phone, really. When I do, you better have some time because it takes me a bit of time to get going.

9. Do you enjoy selecting greeting cards for people, or is it more of a cultural "have to" for you? I do not always think of cards. I used to... especially when I was trying to "woo" my man. However, over time and such I have not always stood by the need for a card. I still go out and get them, but I refuse to pay a hefty price for one unless it is for someone VERY special. I do love to get them, though.

10. When was the last time you got a new style/haircut? Well, since I let my hair grow out from the butchered short look I had in 1998 through 2002/2003, I guess that would answer your question. It has gotten much longer since then and if I look back on those lovely school pictures I see that it has slightly changed each year, but no major style/haircut.

11. What do you enjoy shopping for most? I really don't like to shop. I hate to spend money. Remember that post? I guess if I had to enjoy something, I do enjoy finding things and buying them for the kids projects at school. Sick. I know.

12. What's the last thing you think of before you leave the house? To make sure I told Steve I loved him (or the kids, too, if they are not with me).... morbid thought, but what if I was in an accident or he/they were in one and I never saw them again. I always want them to know I love them.

So, do YOU have a question for me? I realize I share lots on my blog but has there ever been something you wanted to ask???


Sandy said...

I passed this on to my blog! Loved knowing more about you, sweet friend!

Katie said...

You are so precious to me and I love learning more about you every day when I read your blog posts.
My question... what is/are your absolute FAVORITE thing/things to photograph?
: )

Gretchen said...

You look beautiful in the picture!

5am??? Cough, cough! I thought 5:30 was too early. Whew, girl, I don't know how you do it!

Amy said...

I loved reading all of your tidbits, so much so that I 'copied' your idea for my blog post tonight.

And just have to comment on your header photo, it is absolutely GORGEOUS!!! Truly one of the most beautiful photographs I've ever seen, LOVE it!!!