Sunday, January 10, 2010


Here is my "project" that I have worked on.

Our hall bathroom has needed some updating. The shower curtain was passed down from my best friend because the one that was in here was boring, been in there for 12 years and blended in with its surroundings. It is seen here in a photo circa 2002 with my sweet babies.... notice the shower curtain on the right of Wesley.

It has also been painted from its original color of a PALE taupe which should really be called almost white the way it looked. The darker taupe makes me feel warm and this was done almost 8 years ago.

Well, now you see pictures of the "new" curtain, but the old way of decorating. I have tried over the years to improve upon some things but the wall hangings/pictures have basically been the same.... along with the two towels at the far end near the tub with the burgundy ribbon tied around them. Now, 13 years ago, this was quite nice. Thirteen years later.... not so much.

My Mom made the wreath on the wall. That was the only part I hated about taking it down, but she agreed it needed to go. lol

Notice the vase on the floor by the shower? There were also hunter green rugs on the floor.

Here is a closeup.... it, again, was lovely when we got married 16 years ago when I believe it was purchased, but the colors and decor of this have lost a bit of the attractiveness since then.

These magnolia pics have been here for, yes, 13 years. Got them from Kirklands long ago, I believe. There used to be a magnolia flower arrangement on the back of the toilet but it "bit the dust" literally a couple of years ago. This vase was a "fling it together" with some left over greenery from my den makeover last year this time.


We went to Kirklands again and had a grand time. Notice the red vase on the counter now. The rugs are a brownish/purple that is nicely muted against the power of the shower curtain. The other rug is a combination of all of the colors in the bathroom. Feel free to click on any picture to view it larger. FYI... that border is coming down whenever this bathroom gets painted again. I have no idea when that will occur.

No wreath... just this lovely picture and these candleholders. Aaahhhhh..... Crimson red towels below with decorative towels in the corner to take the place of the hunter green beauties with burgundy ties.

closer view of wall

closer view of decorative towels

behind the toilet.... it is amazing what black can do to a room!

Look at these pops of color I found on sale at Kirklands! LOVE these and I felt they would be safe enough with the kids antics. LOL

Looking from the shower area to the sink... New lamp. Took the old lamp and moved it into the den on top of the TV stand, took the lamp that was there and added it to my office ambiance.

View through the mirror.... aah. Mikayla now loves their "fancy" bathroom. Click on it to view their "fancy" toothbrush holder. I would never have thought of that if my friend hadn't given me the idea.

This is the vase from above that used to be on the floor. Steve spray painted it black and I moved it into the den. We also spray painted another larger vase like this for the den and stuck whispy things in it for decoration. It looks nice. I didn't take before and after pics of that.
Now remember my decorating skills become mottled and confused when I go by myself. I either take my Mom or my best friends. They are so much better at it than I am. Thankfully, once we got rolling on finding things I was able to add to it or give an opinion that worked. Decorating is a work in progress, I realize. lol


Katie said...

Very nice decorating skills THE FOWLER! Love the "fancy" toothbrush holder, towels and newly redecorated vase! Tell Mikayla I LOVE her new "fancy" loo!
Very nice very nice... : )

Sandy said...

What a great change! The vase on the counter looks like it was MADE to go with the shower curtain!

wendy said...

looks great! i like the little colorful jars and the framed print. our master bathroom has two yellow rugs. that's it. guess it's time for some change over here too.

Vonda said...

Lovely! Don't you love the change you can make with a can of spray paint!

Gretchen said...

That 1st photo stole my heart! How precious they are (and were).

Way to go on the decorating! It looks so warm!

Gretchen said...

Oh, and I'm so glad you now understand my love affair with spray paint!

Lynne said...

I absolutely love your new bathroom! I go in Kirkland's all the time and don't find beauties like that!! Way to go, Kellie! :)