Tuesday, July 21, 2009


While we were riding in the van today, Wesley begins to say something about his speech teacher and that she knew Jesus. I asked him how he knew and he said "Because I asked her if she knew Jesus the first time we met!" If only we all would be so bold...

Tonight we had all fresh vegetables/fruits from our garden for supper. I cooked okra and squash and then cut up some cucumbers and tomatoes. There was no meat, obviously, as we have not begun raising cattle or chickens, but summer vegetable meals are always good to me. We'll see what Steve thinks with no meat when he gets home from working late. lol

Here are some more pics from the Photo Walk. I know y'all are probably tired of them. lol I spent more time at the railroad area than I thought!!

The old line

I have no idea what this is, but it was interesting and a lot of people photographed it. I loved the wording the most. Hope you can see the patent years on it. Look in the second photo for more detail of that.

The train came in while we were walking to another part of town. It struck us all funny that the front of the train had all of that debris on it. Whatever it hit... it destroyed it!

Casey was so irritated with the blown out skies that day. This was one photo where I totally agreed.... the train would have been so nice against a nice blue/big cloudy background. lol

1 comment:

Dream Big said...

Love the trains. In England we went on the train often. We took the girls on a steam train they loved it. You are super talented Kellie.