Friday, July 10, 2009


Today the kids and I went to a local plant nursery that has an open house only 6 times a year. They have a beautiful area to photograph and walk around to see many of the plants they sell as well as others that are for enjoyment.

We began in one garden area that had a lot of sun plants.... and a lot of cactus. It was so pretty! As we were walking along the path, I was photographing some daylilies and Mikayla was trying to get my attention. I thought it was to show me something because both of them had their cameras and were pointing things out to me all of the time. Well, she asked me to come again and I said I was coming... in photography time. lol She became VERY persistent and said "MOM, PLEASE COME NOW." I look up from my escape moment of this plant to find that Wesley was attached to this cactus plant!!!!!

You can imagine how badly I felt that I had not gone right away, but they honestly had been calling me to look at things every few seconds. lol

Poor guy.... he was stuck, and he was stuck GOOD. (as we say in the south) He was crying and I was trying to pull out the needles without injuring him further. I didn't want to pull if it was going to do something more to him!

One of the owners watched all of this and kindly came up to give assistance. He shared with us that these little needles have fish hooks on them and that is how they travel... and also why they are so hard to get out! Once I got it out, the man showed us all around the cactus area and was helping us understand. Wesley was not in any mood at this point to touch any of the "friendly" cactus. :) He eventually felt better about it and began to explore, but we learned much at the beginning of our adventure.

Wesley told me later that all he was doing was pointing at this pretty flower to show Mikayla. lol

I asked him what lesson he had learned and he said "But, Mom... I really wasn't intentionally poking the cactus!" I said "I know... but we always have to learn something from every situation, so.... what did you learn?"

"I learned to not get too near cactus again!!" haa!

What did Mom learn????

Mom learned to listen a little more when she is photographing in case her children are in trouble and not just wanting to show her something THEY photographed. lol :)


Amy said...

Ouch, poor thing, that must have hurt! I'm not a fan of cactus being too close to me. :)

Amy said...

Poor Wesley!! I know that had to hurt!! That flower picture is just beautiful!!

Unknown said...

It's all about you, isn't it? :-)