Sunday, July 19, 2009


I never showed some pics from the Senior pics I took last week. It was such a fun time with her. :) There are so many more, but these are some of my favorites.

Sorry for all of the pictures today. Just felt the need... Here are some more from the Photo Walk yesterday.

What is left of old railroad tracks.

As I took this I wondered how long ago those spikes had been pounded into the ground and then come loose. I am sure there have been many replaced through the years, but it made me step back and think of when that railroad was first built.

These spikes look like they are trying to "escape" from their area. How often do they pound them back in? Anyone know?

"End of the Line"

This looked different than the other railroad spikes... not sure what it was.

1 comment:

Katrina said...

Your senior shots are very nice!