Thursday, July 09, 2009


Here are "plant remnants" as I call them. I just love this for some reason. lol Took these at a local nature park.

I realize I have gone down this path before about my thoughts on Michael Jackson in the last two weeks. I didn't watch the memorial service, but I did see the clip of his daughter crying at the end. It was sad, but no different than any other person who has lost a loved one. As I was reading some things on the service, I read this yesterday from an online news source:

"The city of Los Angeles set up a Web site Tuesday to allow fans to contribute money to help the city pay for his Staples Center memorial service. Mayoral spokesman Matt Szabo estimated the service will cost $1.5 million to $4 million."


OK, yeah, he was famous, but that doesn't mean the public should pay for his funeral. The media and, I am sure, crazy fans and family members were the ones who chose to blow this memorial service out of proportion like this. The crazy thing is... I bet that web site has been SLAMMED with people willing to help pay for that memorial service.

Recently, an acquaintance of mine gave her own 2 - 3 cents on what I have been feeling and hers summed it up so well I told her I'd be putting it on my blog. I have thought A LOT about this since the man died two weeks ago and so much has been done over him. I cut and pasted it from her area so....Read on... and know I agree with all she says:

yes, " i will never forget MJ"....BECAUSE THE MEDIA (and YOU-if applicable) WON'T ALLOW IT! there's iran, iraq, military build-up in afghanistan, north korea is playing with missiles, soldiers (our soliders) are dying each day defending our country, loved ones are being deployed, people are losing jobs left and right, our economy stinks and the list goes on and on and on.... and while america is "mourning the king of pop," (focus, people, focus!) americans need to be on their knees praying to the one true King- for our nation, our world. ...and yes i believe there is only one true King.

i said it earlier and i'll say it again... by no means am i making light of the loss of a life, but i can't comprehend it being taken to the extremity with all sorts of lavish attention elevating one man to almost a god-like stature. before mj's death his popularity was questionable and now in his death the media, as well as others, act as if he was the male counterpart of mother teresa. why!? yes, it was sad seeing clips today of a little girl on stage today in front of millions crying because she's lost her father, but might i remind you that there are children every day, every where, crying from the pain of losing a parent... and their tears are just as real as MJ's daughter's... it's sad that there is a family who's lost a son, brother, uncle, father, etc., but is it any more sad because he was famous? shouldn't be. society makes the man famous but we're all equal in God's eyes and we will all equally stand before Him one day...glitter glove or none.


Anonymous said...

Amen and Amen, the song they played
"Soon and very soon We are going to see the King" OH! yes We are and every knee shall "Bow" Praise His Holy name. Mrs. W

Katrina said...

I like the remnants too. They have completed part of their cycle. It is refreshing to think that everything God has made is perfect in its time.

Amy said...

I agree with everything you both said. I am so tired of hearing about him!!!

Amy said...

I rarely watch tv, so I have only seen two small clips of stuff when I went to see my mom at her job. We've seen nothing on our tv, just a few pics online. And I think it's absolutely ridiculous that the public is being asked to donate money for the memorial service, the people that thought it up and organized it should pay.