Wednesday, July 08, 2009


Another clematis shot. :)

This has been quite the lazy day at our house. Wesley's sleepover resulted in him waking up around 2 AM and not knowing where he was and getting a bit upset. (I can totally relate.) His friend's Mom was so sweet and tried to help him through it but she finally called us around 3:00. Talk about causing your heart to leap when you hear the phone ring at that hour! I talked with him and she said he immediately went back upstairs and went to bed. lol It broke my heart and I was a bit concerned and it took a while to get back to sleep. Thankfully, he was OK. When I went to get him today he hugged me like he hadn't seen me in forever. (**It did the Mommy Heart good, actually....) I was proud of him for sticking with it.

When we got home I was checking on something before fixing us some lunch when Mikayla came in and said he had passed out on her bed and was fast asleep. It was the sweetest thing. His hair all crazy and sleeping so peacefully. After Mikayla and I ate lunch we kind of crashed a bit ourselves. Sometimes those moments are needed for us all.

Betty Crocker was back cooking supper tonight. I am amazed at how she has been here all summer so far. lol :) It feels good to do this for my family.

Speaking of supper.... better go get it on the table.


Katie said...

hey! I just wanted to say that I love the new profile picture of you. And yes I know it has been up for awhile now....luvs : )

wendy said...

Betty has been visiting our house this week too :) Two new recipes in two days isn't too bad when you think about it!

Amy said...

Yah for Betty! Gorgeous shot, love that DOF. Good for Wesley for sticking it out, Anika has sleepover anxiety, she usually calls me twice before going to sleep. I used to pick her up around 10pm bec/she couldn't fall asleep, now I just get two calls of goodnight. :)

Dream Big said...

To cute. You are amazing such a wonderful person.Your kids are very blessed.

Amy said...

Another beautiful picture!!!

Glad Wesley was able to stay and enjoy his sleepover. It kinda sounds like he is a little bit like his mom :-)

So what kinds of yummy things have you been cooking??