Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Scarlet Ibis'.... beautiful birds. :)
So, I missed that late last week (Friday, I do believe) was my 1,000th post.

I could do a list of 1,000 things I have learned or something like that.

I think that may take too long.

I could photograph something with "1,000" in it, like KT wanted me to do.

But... I just haven't had time for that.

I could have done an acronym with one thousand....

But, I just am not going there with brain power today.

Instead, I think I will just post my first post on this blog to "remember when".... I started this blog a little over 5 years ago. It was actually my second one as my first one had issues and I had to start over. I started blogging because it was therapy for me when my Mom became so sick and then it turned into stories about "life."

My blogging has changed through the years. I look back and read the earlier posts and chuckle at how different I am today. I have re-read some of them today and find it interesting what I shared then and what I share now. It just shows how growth comes through trials and joys the Lord allows in our lives and how those change us.

For those who have been here since the beginning, thanks for sticking with me all these years. For those of you who are newer... I hope you are enjoying "the ride."

Here is that first post. It is nothing spectacular, but it is all I have for this honor of my "1,000th" post. lol I had just gotten my first SLR digital camera. Wow, what I know now compared to what I knew then.... in so many ways.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

A nail. Yes, this is what I took a picture of on purpose. :o) This is in my Mom and Dad's yard and it is on one of the last fence posts remaining on the farm. I just thought it looked neat.

We began Christmas decorating after Thanksgiving! I have pictures but until I learn my camera a bit more I can't upload them yet. The kids are all excited about it this year. They even helped me decorate the Christmas tree last night and it actually turned out pretty well!! They loved it. I was excited for them for the traditions they will now experience more and more. I can't wait to show the pictures of ornaments I took on the tree. I hope they look as nice on here as they do on my camera. ha!

Well, off to work on more decorating. I just wanted to get this up and running. Have a great day everyone!

1 comment:

wendy said...

1,000 posts is pretty monumental! Way to keep at it. So many people let a good thing die. I'm glad you haven't. I enjoy your pictures and your stories.