Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Baboons... they were the cutest things. Well... the babies were. The adults were quite interesting to look at and you just had to be there to understand.

Don't mess with me!
Yesterday one of Wesley's friends brought him some tadpoles and minnows. They were in a pickle jar and stayed on my desk all day. Wesley knew about them and couldn't keep his mind on his work all day. lol

As soon as we got home he and Mikayla decided the critters needed a bigger place. They poured them into this bucket and then added more water. I am so scientist or Amphibiologist (made that one up, can you tell?) but I didn't think that was the best things for our new friends.

So, what do I do? Oh, yes, we call UNCLE KEVIN because he knows all about critters and such.

He agreed.... not good for our friends to be put in this bucket with more fresh water without all of the much needed "other stuff" they need. He suggested that we take them to a local pond or something and let them go.

Before this happened, though, I just HAD to try and photograph the little things. It was challenging and I am still not sure they are the greatest, but it is more that what I had before! Wesley, of course, volunteered to model them for me.

This little guy is starting to grow his legs. It was the neatest thing to see up close.
I then got as close as I could to capture the following two pics. That was challenging because I was hand holding my macro lens while Wesley's hand was moving and the tadpole was moving so I am pretty stinkin' proud of the pics.

Click on this one to see its eye and breathing holes. (So, Kev... would they be considered a nose or what???) Again, I may teach about these but I do not know all of the details. I tried to look it up but did not gather any more information.

His back legs are not in focus, but you can still see them.

Wesley was not at all afraid of sticking his hand in the bucket and finding his friends.

He also wanted me to photograph a minnow... didn't want me to leave it out.

Kevin decided the area next to a lake near us would be the best area for these new friends. It is a wetland area that was made and they should have no real predators in this shallow water.

The only problem? It is on a VERY busy road and near a bridge over the lake. He said we should walk. I wasn't so sure but I figured I could leave the kids with Mom and Dad and Kevin and I could go do the sendoff to our friends.

After supper we traipse up to Mom and Dad's house with me carrying the 5 gallon bucket across the pasture. Nice. Graceful moments there.

Then, Mom, Dad and Kevin all walk out with shoes ready to begin the trek down to the lake.

Hmmm....... I thought the kids were staying in a SAFE area and not walking on the BUSY road.

Nope. I was wrong.

We begin the walk and quickly find out that the road we grew up on has become the Indy 500. We used to walk and leisurely ride our bikes on this road when I was growing up. NOT SO ANYMORE!!

Wesley was holding my hand, Mikayla was holding Mom's, Daddy was leading the way with the bucket and Kevin was somewhere in between just keeping us all in line.

Can we say FEAR?

We finally made it across the bridge and to our destination. We straddle the guardrail laughing as we do so knowing that passersby are wondering what in the WORLD we are doing.

Daddy pours out our friends into the wetland slough. (pronounced "slew" if you didn't know that... cause I always thought it was like "sloff" ... leave it to me to think that. My loving brother corrected me while trying not to laugh hysterically.)

We waited. We wanted to see our friends squirming around and being so excited they were in a new home.

We had visions of them growing happily there and building a new home.

We didn't see them. They probably swam away from the crazy people who sloshed them across a pasture and down a major road.

We made our way back home, this time through the subdivision nearby to avoid some of the traffic. We had enough of that for one day.

We waved to our little friends this morning as we drove by that area on the way to school.

No one can say we had a boring evening at home!


Mich said...

What a memory you made!

Hope you had a beautiful tuesday.

Anonymous said...

Oh!I love the tadpoles, I used to catch them and play with them for awhile and then put them back into the water. Those pictures were really good, you could see their eyes. Love!!

Kevin said...

Well, it's not really a nose per se. It's his nostrils. He isn't using them at this point because he currently uses the gills until he completes metamorphosis.