Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Picture a night of homework.

Picture a mother trying desperately to help her children with their Math homework corrections, Language test they had the next day and the Vocabulary test for Friday.

Picture two children not being so interested in studying.

Picture a mother who would really like to take a NAP.

Picture what came out of a bedroom when the mother was trying to finish up homework:

Picture a room full of laughter.

Picture the other child running to get the Mother's camera bag.

Picture that Mother remembering when SHE used to do the same thing.

Picture a great memory!


Mich said...

precious kids.

those are the moments they will cherish.

too cute. Happy Wednesday!

Anonymous said...

Picture! cuteness,drama ,and a Grandma wanting to hug her. I know you couldn't get to that camera fast enough. Love!!