Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I loved capturing this ice on this plant. not sure if it is a wild rose or something of that nature.

We have been watching some of the Olympics. I must say, this time around I just haven't had a lot of time to watch many of the events. Staying up late is just not a good option when you have to get up at 5:00. lol

Have you ever thought of the life of an athlete? I have thought of all the dedication it takes to become so good in your sport that you are able to go to the Olympics. (Let's just say that I would never be able to go to the Olympics with the sport ability that I have. lol)

Those athletes work everyday for YEARS to accomplish the goal of the Olympics. Some of them arrive, have a fall or mishap and all of that work is lost for the goal they originally had. Others reach the goal of that medal.... they have their moment in the sun and then as the weeks, months, years pass people forget who earned what and it just becomes a part of history.

It is easy to admire the discipline in athletes, but how hard is it to practice it ourselves?

I'll be the first one to say it is hard to practice!!

Yesterday in our teacher's meeting we talked about how we can apply those principles to our "Spiritual Race."

Each day we, as Christians, are athletes. We are "running the race that is set before us." Our goal is one that lasts eternally and will never be forgotten. We have to train every day, every second of every day to arrive at our goal of living a life pleasing to the Lord.

The only way to train is to be in God's Word every day and learn more about Him.

You can't gain the strength of the Lord if you never lift your Bible off the shelf and open it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Preach on girlfriend. I know I need to be a better athelete both physically and spiritually, to equip myself to "run the race".