Saturday, February 13, 2010



Piano Recital.

What a day!

We woke up to more snow this morning, but it was all SNOW and no sleet or rain. It was great snow for snowballs and making a snowman.

Steve had to work all night last night because of the snow coming in and didn't get in until this morning around 7:00. The kids and I decided to go to a local park and enjoy the snow beauty while he was sleeping. The roads were fine so we took off.

It was beautiful to walk around that park and see the snow in an area I normally don't get to view. Overall the walk was peaceful until some boys decided to scream and yell their way over to where we were. Our peaceful walk ended for some time after that. It was wonderful just being with Wesley and Mikayla and observing the details of the snow. I have more pictures to share!!!!! I was also thankful we went this morning because by mid-afternoon the snow was almost all gone!! This afternoon was Mikayla's first piano recital. She played "Princess Waltz" and did an awesome job. She kept saying she wasn't nervous, but I am sure she had a twinge of it. We gave her flowers when it was over and she was so excited to get them. (I took a few pictures of them, too. lol) I had a picture but Blogger is not uploading my other pics tonight!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

congratulations to Makayla on her piano recital. I know it was just beautiful. You all be careful at the park. Love Ya!!