Tuesday, February 16, 2010


A couple of more shots from the snow last weekend.

I recently taught my class about Joshua and the Israelites when they defeated Jericho. It hit me this year as I was teaching this lesson how much faith and trust Joshua had to have in the Lord. All God wanted the Israelites to do was march around the city a total of 13 times over 7 days (and be quiet while doing so!), then on the last lap of the last day, shout and blow horns and the walls would fall. This had never been done before to capture a city -- especially one as large as Jericho! Yet, all those years of testing in the Wilderness was not just as punishment for unbelief. It was a time that they began to fully rely on God and TRUST Him.

I am sure there were those who thought it was crazy to march around the city, but they marched, shouted, blew horns and watched as the walls fell. AND.... the walls didn't fall on THEM. They had to have fallen inward toward the city because the Bible only talks of how the Israelites immediately went over the wall to capture the city.

When we have a Jericho in our lives, let us remember the lessons learned by Joshua and the Israelites. Joshua had much faith in his Lord and the time in the Wilderness only caused that faith to grow stronger. Joshua also prayed and asked God to be with them as they went into battle. We must look to Him for our strength because when the "walls" look too hard to defeat, God can knock them down. We have to be willing to follow His lead and He'll do the work for us.

I Peter 5:7 - Casting all your care up on him, for he careth for you.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Girl you just don't even know how much I needed this right now at 2:14 in the morning.