Monday, February 15, 2010


Here is a picture of Mikayla from her piano recital on Saturday. :)

These are cardinals from times in the snow. I love to see them against the white. They are so beautiful.
Randomness today.... I know about the movie below, but most are facts I found or Kevin told me!

Did you know that this past Saturday, Feb. 13 was the first time in recorded history that 49 out of our 50 states had snow!???? Thought that was quite interesting.

Have you ever seen the movie Flywheel? It is produced by the same church who made Facing the Giants and Fireproof. It is a great movie with a great story. It was their first movie so the cinematography isn't like ones from "Hollywood" but the story is MUCH better. I recommend it to all!

Cats sleep 16-18 hours a day. I can attest to that because of our two. ha!! Here are a few pics to prove their laziness....

When you die, your hair still grows for a couple of months.... (Hmmm.... never thought of THAT.)

Elephants are the only mammals that can't jump.

In the average lifetime, a person will walk the equivalent of 5 times around the equator.

Stressed is "Desserts" spelled backwards. (Maybe that is why we crave them when we are stressed! LOL)

"Goodbye" came from "God Bye" which came from "God be with you"

God be with you till I write again. :)


Sandy said...

All this snow must be from "global warming"...

Vonda said...

Mikayla looks so grown up sitting at the piano. You must be so proud of her! Loved your cardinal pics!

Gretchen said...

I took a very similar photo to your 3rd bird one.

I guess I'm an elephant...