Friday, August 28, 2009


Not sure what this is, but I love it. :) Click on it to view more of the detail.

Whew... made it through week two. I am thankful it is Friday! We are off to run some errands and enjoy some family time.

Here is a thought for you today from a devotional:

"It has been said that the removal of small stones which frequently encumber the fields does not always increase the crop. In many soils they are an advantage, attracting the moisture and radiating the heat. In one experiment, the results of removing the stones were so unfavorable to the crop that they were brought back again. We often cry to God, as Paul did, for the removal of some thorn in the flesh. Later experience teaches us that it was better for it to remain."

Your strength, my weakness -
here they always meet,
When I lay down my burden at Your feet:
The things that seem to crush will in the end
Be seen as rungs on which I did ascend!
Thank you, Lord.


Amy said...

That is beautiful, whatever it is! I also love the background green, it makes the details stand out so nicely! :)

Amy said...

I love it too!! I have never seen anything like that before.

Dream Big said...

Looks like pieces of wool made into a wonderful flower.