Thursday, January 31, 2008


I posted this picture from our farm just because of Wesley today. Ibelieve I posted it long ago, but decided to revisit it. It is about all that we have left... Wesley was talking tonight about having all of our neighbors sell their places so we could have our farm back again. It was sweet but a bit sad at the same time. He and Mikayla were both asking questions about the farm tonight. It brought back good memories, but sad ones as well of how it all went away...

I was driving home from Walmart this afternoon and noticing that more and more farm land is being taken away. It truly breaks my heart. Wesley also said tonight that he should live with the Amish. Mikayla told him he couldn't live in the Amish... He replied (with his little hands in the position he gets when he is trying to prove his point... hard to explain on here but it is so stinking cute) "Mikayla I don't want to BE Amish. I don't have a beard (beawd is how it came out) but I did see some normal farmers up there that drove tractors!" He then began to tell me how many tractors he would have on his farm. I just hope there is farmland somewhere for the boy when he grows up. He does love the country.

Let's just say, too, that Wesley was getting on Mikayla tonight about keeping her room clean!!! LOL I was CRACKING UP. He cannot stand the house to be a mess and he told Mikayla several times that she needs to pick up her stuff and put it in the correct place. She told me before I read that Wesley was sure getting on her a lot tonight. I just had to chuckle.... I think he is going to be OCD about cleaning.... lol

I finished all of those strawberries yesterday. OH.. they were SO good.

I walked around almost ALL of Walmart today looking for Valentine cards for the kids to take to their friends at school. Couldn't find them ANYWHERE it showed Valentine stuff. The cashier informed me they were in the back of the store in some strange location. Oh well... I'll get them later!

Since I had to go to Walmart and another place to get some stuff after school I was so late in getting home. I hate days like that. I was ready to have some down time....

Not much today.. right now Steve and I are in the middle of watching LOST. It is FINALLY back on after being off for 7 months or so. I know we'll continue to be as confused as ever (already are) but it is a show that hooks ya. lol

After we watch that we'll be going to dreamland. Enjoy your evening...


Unknown said...

That is funny about the Amish, I grew up in Amish country, well they were Mennonites up there. I grew up in Western NY, yeah you wouldn't think they would be there, but yep horses and buggies too :) Really nice thoughtful people and I enjoyed speaking to them when I lived there. Next time I am home, I will have to get some pictures and send them to you. (I grew up in very rich farm land too) Finger Lakes Region in Western NY

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love the LOST.....

Sal Cartusciello said...

Wesley and the Amish. Now that would be a sight.

Love the picture. That's how I know where your house is.

Amy said...

My girls LOVED visiting the Amish country of Lancaster County this past October and we watched 'Saving Sarah Cain' today which was about the Amish.

I do remember this photo from before, it is really nice, I do love the country too. I was raised on five acres, my parents still live there.

I love LOST!!! I'm confused too!