Tuesday, January 15, 2008


In my experimenting the other day, I decided to get out the "utensils." I tried so many different views of the things that I don't quite know what worked and what didn't. lol Here are a couple from that escapade into silverware. lol The first one shows the handle of the fork closer and then "fades" away into the knife and spoon. The second one I put my focus on the end of the knife so the "front" of the knife is out of focus. Just playing with depth of field and all... Will probably do more this weekend. lol

The last couple of days have been majorly wild. I had just 12 students at school yesterday!! HALF of my class was sick! Today I still had 8 kids out. There is some weird fever/ headache/ virus type thingy going on. We cleaned the room thoroughly yesterday (since I couldn't really teach new material with half the class gone...) and just are praying everyone gets better soon. Even though I have had less kids, I have been more tired the last couple of days. I realize there are other factors, but I think it is because I am having to remember who isn't there and hasn't gotten work or done tests. It has just been crazy. lol

Yesterday I also took care of my best friend's daughters for her since she had her surgery on her hand. We went to see her last night and she was a bit loopy from her pain meds. She was actually kind of funny. lol Her girls spent the night with us last night so it was a bit crazy around here from our "normal" routine. Today I also went to see her and take the girls "stuff" back to their house so they wouldn't have to deal with it at school. She was up and about a bit, but still loopy. I was glad to help her any way I could.

Tonight we are watching American Idol... at least some of it. Let's just say there are some weird people in this world and I think a majority of them try out for AI. Geesh...

Oh... I ordered my comforter last night!! I was so excited to find it. I had wanted something totally different with more colors from what I had, but it also had to go with the rest of the room decor. This is it... I can't wait to get it. :) I also spent less money, which, as you know, for me is an awesome thing. I love to hold on to a dollar. lol

I had a STACK of papers to grade tonight but none of them were graded. There were other things that I had to take care of and so I'll have to work on those tomorrow morning. Hopefully I can "speed check" them. I got off track last night with having my friend's girls so I am all behind.

I need to go get some towels in the dryer and get myself to bed. Tomorrow will be here before I know it! Have a great evening...


Amy said...

Kellie, I like your first silverware shot the best. The detail is very nice. I'm going to try to do some macro shots tomorrow.

Wow, that is a lot of sick kiddos! I hope you don't catch it.

Amy :)

Unknown said...

Those silverware images are great. Was that all natural light?

Kellie said...

Yes, I took the photos of the silverware with natural light. I am glad you liked them. I am going to try a different approach, though, this weekend. lol We'll see how that works.