Sunday, January 20, 2008


Well... no real snow for us. I was quite bummed yesterday. Such is life in the south. It snowed here for 2 hours or so before it even starting sticking to anything. Before that it just melted when it hit. I knew when it started doing that we weren't going to get a lot. A trace is all I would say we got. Wesley about drove me nuts asking me every few minutes when it was going to snow and then when it was going to stick. Overall, I didn't get as much accomplished yesterday as I had hoped and it was just a ho-hum kind of a day. lol

I did manage a FEW pictures but that is all. You can barely see the snow on the front yard area in that first photo. They are calling for more "snow" later in the week. I think at this point I will believe it when I see it and it sticks. lol

We didn't have church this morning. Apparently our church parking lot was a sheet of ice from the melting and re-freezing overnight. Truly, if they cancelled our church services, it had to be bad. Our pastor never cancels church. It was weird not to go and I missed being there.

Steve worked on cutting more wood today. I decided I was going to do a page in our scrapbook on him doing that since he does so much. He works hard for us to have wood for the woodstove.

The kids went around playing in the "snow"... more like mud. They wanted to go "sledding" so Steve let them use their old sandbox lid and they pushed each other down the hill near our driveway. It was comical and didn't last long. Thankfully, I got to see them do it and get a few shots. Here is just one of them. Pitiful.....

I have a teacher's workday tomorrow so I have to go in for a bit. I hope to get much accomplished so I am ready on Tuesday for all of those kiddos.

I saw part of the Patriots/Chargers game tonight. I only watched because Steve wanted me to keep him updated because he was in and out with the wood. I saw that the Patriots won and now Steve is checking out Green Bay/Giants. He's going for Green Bay to win this one. Again, I have no clue but just go for who he goes for.... gotta support my better half. lol

Well, that is about it around here. I will share more of my "trace of snow" pictures later. Have a great evening and stay warm wherever you may be... lol


Unknown said...


Heather just told me they are expecting more snow on Tues. I hope things don't get shut down again, we have another ultrasound, and I love going to those. Was very cold today, and I did not go out much. I know my niece and nephew were bugging my sister yesterday to let them go out in the snow. I guess growing up in NY where it snowed a lot, I never got to excited when it did. Just bundled up more to go play outside. ;)

Sal Cartusciello said...

That poor man works all week, and then he has to chop wood on the weekend.

Yes, I can see Wesley asking about the snow. Cassie did the same thing the few times it was possible for us.

Anonymous said...

Kellie--I soooooo love your pictures. The kids 'sledding' on the "snow" is hilarious. And Steve out splitting wood.....I love 'em!