Monday, January 07, 2008


Meet our little squirrel friend. I did manage to get out my camera on Saturday and photograph a few things. I took some of the birds at our feeder and then this little guy came up. If you recall, I posted about one a year or so ago. That pumpkin had fallen in at the top, though, and the squirrel was digging himself out. This year, with my telephoto lens, I was able to get up a little closer while still being far away inside. Again, I realize squirrels can be such a pest but they are the cutest things to me. (They aren't cute when they eat through the tub that holds the bird seed, but even I can forgive that....) Anyway, I sat and watched this little guy go at Mikayla's pumpkin. He was so skiddish and didn't stay extremely long but I was able to capture a few fun ones. This first one cracks me up because he looks at me like he has gotten "caught." I have no idea whether he saw me or not. I enjoyed this a lot. I love watching God's creatures do their own thing. It is always amazing to me to see how everything all works together. I'll show more of my bird pictures (the few I liked out of a "zillion") in the next few posts. I also took some things around the house. Iam trying to think outside of my box again... and y'all know I am duct taped in that thing most of the time. lol

Saturday was also good because I was able to get a lot done. We finished cleaning the house and then I had time to photograph some things as well as do a bit of scrapping. I was really proud of myself and kept my "mess" under control and cleaned it back up so I could have a dining room table. I am really going to work towards the goal of getting my pages done without all the crazy mess I have made in the past. It makes my heart glad to have my house more in order. I finally made it through till September on my pages so I am making some progress. I plan on journaling in those pages this week so I can do a few more this weekend. I have to get ready for the kids birthday party in April! If I don't start now I'll never get them done.

I am not far from finishing that book I am on. That is amazing how quickly I have been able to read these last two because I just haven't accomplished that as much since the kids were born.

Yesterday was a nice and relaxing day. We had church and then up to Mom and Dad's for lunch... it was wonderful as always. (I often wonder how things will be when our kids want to come home for Sunday lunch. It may be a joke, actually... "Yeah, we always ate at Mimi's growing up 'cuz Mom doesn't like or really know how to cook much." Geesh... I can hear it now. I truly want to make them desire what I cook.... I just need to cook more often, huh? Of course, they will never want for a photograph but that doesn't feed the hungry stomach. ha!!)

Today was the same old crazy mess again. Reading, learning verses for AWANA, school, homework, flashcards, etc... Makes my head spin. I really did enjoy my time off. Again, I LOVE what I do but some days just get to be so overwhelming. I hate that I can't be "fresh" for my kids for homework and such. By the time we have to do it, and I have done it all day long, I know I don't give them what they need from me. It is good that Steve can step in and take over some of that sometimes. I just wish my kids could get the teacher I am at school. I have actually thought of teaching them next year for that reason alone, but I am not sure if that would be the best for different reasons. I truly am still praying about it. I know the Lord will lead me to do what is best.

I got to talk to my friend Sal today out in San Diego. Our temperatures were *about* the same today... although, I think he was actually a bit COOLER than we were today! We have had crazy weather here. It has been frigid last week and today was in the 70's. I have missed my fire tonight but no need in wearing your bathing suit while sitting by the fire is it? Sal was sitting by the pool watching his daughter at swim practice while we talked. He is gearing up for tax season and is having to divide his time between CA time and east coast time. I am confident everything will work out great for him, though. We still miss them, and I know we always will. :)

I am looking to get a new comforter set for our bed. Big spender that I am, I am looking for one of those "Bed-in-a-Bag" thingies. I just can't spend a lot of money!!!!!! I am thinking of getting something a bit different than we have had. Y'all know I am quite content with what I have in my home... I am just finding our comforter is starting to look well loved. lol Since I am tight, though, you know I will wait patiently till I find what I want and the deal I want. I may have to pay a little more than I am WANTING to, but I will figure that out when I get to it. :) If I find one online I'll try to find the picture of it or something. Of course, if I actually do get one, I can always take a photograph of it! I THINK I know how to do that... hee hee

I have a photo shoot this Saturday. It is actually of my brother-in-law and my nephews. I am excited about it and want to do a great job. I have some ideas floating in my head of how I want to do them.

I already graded my papers for the night so I am going to go read that book. Hopefully, I can stay awake. :) Have a wonderful evening and go watch some of God's wildlife. :)

1 comment:

Sal Cartusciello said...

A couch and a comforter? Now I know why poor Steve is working all that OT. :-)