Sunday, December 02, 2007


Yesterday was a bit of a crazy day. I didn't get a lot done. I did manage to balance my checkbook, in a way, which I know you are all happy about.

I did a small amount of Christmas shopping and then we went over to some of our friend's house to watch the Kentucky/ UNC basketball game. I say "we" but only Steve really watched the game with the guys. I was too busy talking with my friend who just got a new camera. I was showing her how to do stuff on it. It is one like my brother has so I knew a bit about it. I don't really care about sporting events. I only follow them through my husband. Hockey is one I actually follow a bit more, but (as Sal knows...) I am not as "up to speed" on that, either. lol

My friend's girls were in the Apex Christmas parade. (a local town) We went with them as is our tradition each year. It was cold but not TOO cold and it was a nice evening. The "girls" had to leave earlier to get the dancers to the parade on time. The "boys" left later so they could finish watching that basketball game. lol We all found each other. My pictures for today are from that. The float that has the palm trees made me think of my friends Sal and Morgan out there in San Diego! I had to take a picture of that in "honor" of them. :) It was a challenge getting good pictures. Not only are you dealing with less light, but moving vehicles. lol I finally set my camera on manual mode WITH the flash so the flash could illuminate enough but my shutter would stay open a bit longer to get some of the surrounding incandescent light as well. For the most part, they didn't turn out too badly. My flash on my camera wasn't powerful enough and I just didn't want to "lug" my big flash for something that was a candid moment.

After we went to the parade we all went to our favorite Mexican restaurant and ate supper. It really was a great day. I didn't get hardly anything done at home, and the house shows it, but that is part of the season... and part of my life! lol

Today we went to church and we began singing Christmas hymns! I LOVE that and am so excited they began today. (I have been singing Christmas songs all week long with my students. For those of you reading and have had me as a teacher, yes, "The Twelve Days of Christmas... Mrs. Fowler Style" was one of the first I taught them. :) ) Our Pastor spoke on the woman at the well and how Christ reached out to her, a Samaritan, and offered her the Living Water. It was a great message and one that brought many things to my mind.

Our new Youth Pastor and his wife joined the church today. They moved up here from South Carolina on Friday. We are so excited to finally have a Youth Pastor again but I can't help thinking of our former Youth Pastor's wife. I know this has to be hard on her but I know God will get her through it as well. In a way, though, it feels good to move on now. I look forward to getting to know them better as the weeks and months lie ahead.

I have papers to grade that I didn't do on Friday because I passed out on the couch after doing my last post! (We also didn't have that coffee I had talked about because when Steve came to ask me about it, I was in "la-la" land... I regret that I didn't grade those papers now because I surely didn't want that hanging over my head tonight. Oh well... They didn't get done Friday during my special "free" time because a parent needed a "shoulder." The Lord sends me those moments and I am thankful He has given me the ability to help others through things I have gone through myself. We don't go through things for no reason. I continue to see that daily. I can look back on my past few years and see how the Lord brought me through something so that I may encourage others.

Well, the kids are watching "The Santa Clause" on TV, but I need to go read to them and get them to bed. Tomorrow begins another busy week!

I hope you all have a wonderful day. I'll post more of our decorations soon. :)

1 comment:

Sal Cartusciello said...

Thanks for the palm trees, and I appreciate you thinking of us. We surely miss all of you.

Also, thanks for linking my page to yours. That is appreciated. If you want yours linked on mine, let me know.