Monday, December 17, 2007


The first picture today is of Mikayla's Rudolph ornament. I can't remember if it is Clarissa or Clarise that is Rudolph's "girlfriend" but we thought this was cute. We love watching Rudolph so we figured this would be good for the tree as well.

Saturday was BUSY, BUSY, BUSY... I couldn't believe how crazy it was. On top of baking all day I had to take the kids to their Sunday School Christmas party, then we had to make an appearance at a drop-in celebration for a friend who had earned his Master's Degree. It took us around 12 hours to do all of the baking we needed to do. It was a fun time but, as I said before, definitely my labor of love since this isn't my greatest talent. My brother helped me the whole day and was telling me so many different measurements and such that at one point, I thought my head was spinning around. lol (I am exaggerating, but just go with it...) He loves to find new recipes and help me make new and exciting gifts for people. We wanted to taste more than we did but there wasn't enough to spare. Mom and Daddy also came down later and we worked on sausage balls. Actually, they had their little system going and by the time Steve and I got back from the drop-in celebration, they had finished all of the ones I needed to make! I just began washing dishes and putting them away. I surely did appreciate their help. We finished up around 10:30 that night and I was quite pooped!

It was exciting to be able to play "Santa" yesterday and today and give out all of the goodies we had made. I truly hope the people loved them. I put pictures of the day on here. The goodies that look like muffins are actually mini cakes made with almonds and sugar... and other ingredients of which I can't remember right now. lol The cookies that are round are raisin and nut cookies. We also made bean dip, homemade pita chips and pecan bars... a new recipe that was great. We only got scraps of that. Wesley and Mikayla helped as well. Wesley helped me with the pita chips and Mikayla helped wash dishes. They both were really sweet. Our next baking adventure will be to make chocolate chip cookies for Santa. :) (That will be later in the week, probably...) I enjoyed licking the spoon, bowl and beaters of one of the cookie doughs. I thoroughly enjoyed that...

My friend Sal has been commenting in his blog on how rude people can be during this holiday season. Well, Steve and I encountered that ourselves on Friday. Two young "chicks" were going around the same parking lot we were to find a space. We came upon one and were waiting for the person already there to leave and these "chicks" come wheeling around, saw us there and gave us the finger because we were getting the space that we had waited for!! I couldn't believe it. Poor things... they had to park a little further away and WALK. I saw them when they got out of their vehicle and told Steve those were the ones who so RUDELY gestured to us. Steve got out of the van and yelled "Do you have a problem with your finger!?" He was hot and rightly so. Those "chicks" just laughed and thought it was the funniest thing. We were thankful we didn't go into the same restaurant as they did, but as we were eating, Steve decided to go move the van in case they decided to come out and key the van or something. You just never know these days. That was a moment that did not set well with Steve and myself. It made us want to make sure we raise Wesley and Mikayla to RESPECT others even more.

On a better note, though, I was in a store on Saturday and got to overhear the nicest lady spreading "Christmas joy" to those around her. She was kind and considerate to the lady who was waiting on her as well as those in line behind her. She said "Merry Christmas" to everyone as she left. It made me so thankful that she was willing to give a smile instead of being rude. She made me smile with just the simple things she said and did. I thanked the Lord for people like her, actually. :)

Sunday was a cold and windy day. We had our Children's Christmas program at church. It was cute and we all enjoyed it. Yesterday was busy in the afternoon preparing for my gift giving activities of today. I gave my students their ornaments. I think they liked them. lol You always have some that look at it like "OK"... and then they go for the coupon book. Amazing what a few pieces of paper with coupons saying "No homework" or "Skip a problem on the board" will do for a kid! ha!!

We are off to visit Santa tonight. Tomorrow is our annual Christmas excursion day where we go see a movie with the kids and then go see Christmas lights in our pajamas tomorrow evening. :) Since we are on half days now at school it will be a lot of fun!

Enjoy the Christmas evening God has blessed you and your family with tonight. I know I will...


Sal Cartusciello said...

Simply unbeleivable that you would have to move the van, "just in case".

See your helpers did a fine job with the baking.

Where's all the chocolate?

Morgan said...

I love the pictures of your ornaments on the tree. They look so sweet-- and yes, it's Clarese, who falls for Rudolph. I love the "there's always tomorrow" song she sings to him. *sigh*.....

Girl---you look great. Great work!

The baked goods looked delicious... I've been baking alot too these days. One of my favorite things about the holidays.

Kellie said...

Chocolate...geesh, we forgot that???? lol That wasn't included in the "Party in a box" theme for the year. Believe me.. I have plenty I am receiving now from students that I will NIBBLE on but not devour. :)

Kellie said...

Morgan... you are ALWAYS a cookin' up something, girl. Wish that desire was in me stronger.

Glad you are enjoying the pictures of the ornaments.

Ah, yes... "There's always tomorrow"... a song that floods my mind even as I type. I knew I had that name sort of correct. lol