Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Lots and lots of pictures today. It has been a busy couple of days since I posted last... but a good busy. :)

School is officially out for a couple of weeks and I am thrilled. We all need a break! I still have some shopping to do but will work on that tomorrow. Then, I'll have to work on wrapping all of it because I haven't done ANY of that yet!

On Monday night we went to see Santa. Wesley and Mikayla cracked us up because they were rolling out the "list" of what they wanted. It was quite sweet. I got one shot of them on Santa's knee. Good memories for us...

Yesterday we had Wesley and Mikayla's little Christmas program at school. They made these snowmen on their sweatshirts with their feet. They were the cutest things. I was SO PROUD of Wesley as he performed. In the past, he has not always focused during a performance of any kind. This time, his eyes were on his teacher all of the time (except when he was seeing us) and he did all songs and motions. He's coming along, y'all.... Their program was really cute and afterwards we had their Christmas party. I was able to stay for all of that but then had to go back upstairs to tend to my own students. Steve took the kids "shopping" for a bit and then they came back to school to get me.

We then went to the Imax Theatre in downtown and saw Polar Express in 3D!! Notice how awesome we look in our 3D glasses. :) There wasn't supposed to be any photography there but who can resist us looking like that. We took the pics quickly before the show started. We had seen it that way a couple of years ago and it was SO good again. We enjoyed every minute of it. Steve wants to start the tradition of seeing it that way every year. I am not sure if they play it every year but it would be great if they did.

After we finished the movie, we came home and the kids put on their pajamas and Steve and I put on comfy clothes and we set off to see Christmas lights. I must say, there were some "Bah-humbug" people out there but then we saw some doozies. lol We enjoyed the time together as a family. When we got home the kids were definitely ready for bed. One of the houses we went to had their lights blinking to the music that was playing in their yard. I think that was my favorite. That is the one that is pictured here. You also see our "family pic" of us traveling around in the van. What a lovely moment that was. lol

With today being the last day of school we had our party. It was a crazy day but a good one. I was glad to be able to walk out of there and go see one of my friends. It is my friend Kathryn that I don't get to see very often but every time I do it feels like coming home. Mikayla had gone home with my best friend and her daughter to do a cookie bake-off. More on that in a minute. So, it was just Wesley and myself traveling to Kathryn's house to enjoy a bit of time together. They were so sweet and invited us to have lunch with them. I just love my moments there. She had more fruit on her table (remember the blueberry/cherry/banana picture from this past summer I took there???) Well, I had to break out my camera and capture the fruit of the season. These are pomegranates, lemons and oranges. I loved photographing it. Kathryn just laughed at me. We have decided it is now a tradition for me to photograph fruit when I go to her house. lol What do you think? I can't decide which view of them I like more... horizontal or vertical. I was so in my element. Our time with them was too short but such is life in the busyness of the holidays. I just cherished the time we had today. (Love you, Kathryn!!)

After we left there it was off to help my friend with her cookie bake-off. She said I could come over anytime and hang out. I figured that would be a fun way to spend the afternoon. :) I helped her with the kids as they made their sugar cookies. It was quite humorous to watch them decorating. They all put flour on their faces to show they had "worked hard" at the baking. We had a fun time playing around with the flour and sprinkles. Can you tell by the look of those cookies????

We are off to church in a few minutes. We have our Christmas party with the Awana kids. I am not eating supper because I have nibbled on so many things today! I know I'll eat more tonight as well. Just nibbling, though... :)

Have a wonderful evening as we continue to celebrate the birth of God's Son! Enjoy it with those you love.... I surely did the last two days. :)


Morgan said...

I love the fruit shots! I'm kinda partial to the horizontal shot for some reason--don't know what. Sal has this fancy camera and he never uses it. You're shots of just everyday things, like the cookies and lights and you guys in the van are really sweet. I think I'll give myself a crash course on using his camera. I'd like more pictures like that.

Kellie said...

You know, Morgan... I like the horizontal shot, too. It shows more of the curvature of the bowl and all. The vertical just gives a different point of view on the bowl. lol

Yes, you should give yourself that crash course on the camera. I keep telling Sal he needs to send out some shots! I'll be cheering you on... if you have questions about it, let me know, 'cause I will help you figure it out.. hee hee...

Morgan said...

I know it's a pain to have your camera at the ready when that perfect moment happens, but that is how you get those great unique photos. Plus, as you have shown, beauty can be found everywhere--even a bowl of fruit....just depends on how you 'see' it!