Thursday, March 02, 2006

Marching into spring...

NO...this is not what is on the outside of my house today. was close to 80 degrees today!!!!! This was from our last snowfall we have received of any value....the day after Christmas 2004!!!!!!!! I figure since it is now March my desire for snow might as well be thrown out the window and I need to start looking forward to spring. I found this picture as I was scanning through some of my pics on the computer and figured that I at least got to show ONE picture of snow on my blog even though it was from a LONG TIME AGO. There...I am not bitter about it...hee hee...

Well, you have missed me, huh??? :) As you is ridiculously crazy.

Steve came home on Sunday. He was actually home when we got home from church because it was raining so much they couldn't play their last game. We were glad, though. We all were so excited that he was home. :) Mikayla told him he couldn't go off like that again because she missed her WHOLE family being together. I thought that was so sweet. :) I did miss my man, though. He is a wonderful one!

We've been seeing some pretty sunrises in the morning as we go over the lake. The kids have even started noticing them lately. It has been quite cute when they comment on them. I still want to stop in the middle of that bridge and take some pictures...but I know that would be quite dangerous. I haven't taken many pictures in the last couple of weeks....I know that is shocking. BUT...with no snow and with spring coming but not yet here officially I don't have a lot of things I am wanting to capture right now. I have seen some daffodils by the sides of the roads, but I can't stop there either. lol

I went by my uncle's farm the other day and it is still there, but they have put a "TOWNHOMES COMING SOON" sign out by the road. That broke my heart to see that and I teared up again. I really am going to have a hard time when all of it comes down.

Well, off to do homework. Steve is having to work late tonight so I have lots to do. I'll try to do better about my blogging in the next days!!!

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