Friday, March 03, 2006

Bubbles..a simple pleasure

What a way to end a week....a bubble bath. ha! How cute is this? Wesley had asked me this morning if he could have a bubble bath this evening....don't know where he got that from but I thought it wasn't too bad of an idea. They have never really had one. Baths are for getting in and out of the tub because we never have time to just play. I wasn't going to let them both be in the tub at the same time, but I began thinking....they are twins for goodness sake!! They had the BEST time playing in there. While I was downloading these pictures into the computer I heard the most laughter and silliness in there. It made it all worth while. Wesley said "This is the BEST night EVER!" That made me smile. I want them to have special memories like this and not have such a wild, crazy and scheduled life so much that they miss out on those simple pleasures in life. It was so fun. :)

I needed their silliness tonight. Today was such a "wipe you out" kind of day. I had a child get sick in the classroom and it was interesting to juggle all that went on at the same was almost comical. The day wasn't a horrible one...just off a bit and I had to get us back on track. I was glad when the end of school came.

Steve built a fire is getting colder and colder out there. It feels REALLY cold today compared to yesterday's near 80 degrees! It was a beautiful day, though. I know these will be some of the last fires until the fall and I want to cherish them. I can't be having a fire in the fireplace in the middle of summer unless Steve turns down the air conditioning so low it will cause frost to grow on our cheeks. ha!! :)

I am off to go find me a simple pleasure after we get these bubbled up monkeys in bed. It may be a cup of hot chocolate or it may just be to chill out on the couch. Whatever it is, I am sure I will be enjoying it. You all find you a simple pleasure to enjoy today. :) :) :)

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