Monday, December 19, 2005

The wrapping of gifts

Oh my, do I have a ton of gifts to wrap. This weekend I was so busy baking and such that I only had time to wrap those up. I did manage to "wrap" my students presents (Christmas ornaments I had made them) and I gave the ornaments to them today. They seemed to like them. I gave my parents that help me out their presents today, too. They do so much for me and I want them to know I don't take it for granted and they are appreciated.

Getting back to wrapping....I have to start tonight! I continue to put it off. I am just tired all around and don't have the get up and go because it has gotten up and went! HA! I know I am still "recovering" from the play last week. It is a hectic time of year. I also need to get NEW wrapping paper. Most of you will DIE when you read this, but most of the Christmas wrapping paper I have I have had since Steve and I were first married 11 or 12 years ago!!!! I never have a ton to wrap, it seems, and can't get rid of it! I bought a TON with Mom that year and it seems to become a quiet joke with myself every year. May I just say the paper is looking a decade old, now? Not that it looks bad....just needs to be more spizazzed. (Is that even a word????) Anyway, I will use it till I finish it but I am wondering if that will ever happen. My bin runneth over with decade old wrapping paper!!!

I am not the most "glitzy" when it comes to my wrapping. If the thing has a bow on it, you are LUCKY! I love pretty packaged things, but it is not a part of me to do that myself. I just get excited for the person to tear into the thing and see what is on the inside.

I really need to get wrapping but my mind is thinking again....

You know, it does remind me of the real Christmas present and how HE was wrapped. The above picture is of my nativity scene in my dining room. Jesus came to earth and was born in a lowly stable wrapped in simple swaddling clothes. We go to so much trouble each year to make our presents be "just so" that many times we forget what the real package is about. I think that is what we do to Jesus, too. We put Him in a box and wrap Him up "just so" and no one really gets to the real Savior. They put a lot of glitz to Him but forget He was not that way Himself. He was a simple person but He was the babe lying in a manger that came to be the Savior of the world. He is the best Christmas gift anyone could receive.

I guess I am off to wrap those gifts now. Always remember that it isn't the outside of the package or what you DO to it that counts. It is what is on the inside. I encourage all to remember that fact this Christmas and, most importantly, to make sure CHRIST is in your HEART. Let Christ be your present this year.

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