Thursday, December 08, 2005

Reading and Soup

This is our favorite Christmas CD....along with many others. :o) Patti does a beautiful job singing old Christmas carols as well as newer ones. Mikayla and Wesley especially love "Santa Train" and we hear it pretty much everyday. It is an awesome CD. We've been listening to this CD since October!!

In my last post I was hoping to have some hot chocolate and sit by the fire that night. I got as far as sitting by the fire...and then I conked out. ha! That fire felt SO good and I just kept going deeper and deeper into the recliner. I finally woke up around 10:00 only to go back to bed again! That is some good sleepin', though. :o)

Today Wesley and Mikayla read to me their first sentence.. "The pig sat in the mud." Wesley is continuing to come a long way from where he has been. I am amazed at how much they have learned in so little of a time. Of course, Wes didn't have the best day in the world...he lost his sticker again because it took him ALL day to do his work..NOT good. He got in trouble at home for that one because we have really been talking to him about following directions and LISTENING. The thing is...the kiddo is smart. He is a thinker and you can SEE those wheels a turnin' but he just doesn't want to take the time to focus on what is in front of him before he goes off on one of his thinking moments. Mikayla had a better day with understanding her words. She has to fill in the vowel sound for a word like b_d...and has a choice of "e" or "o". She was literally just guessing. Not sure WHAT that was all about but we have been working with and talking to her regarding that as well. She did better on that today and I continued to encourage her to listen to the sound that should go in the word. You know, we don't think of it as being a hard concept, but if you have never done it before it would be quite tough!! I am proud of both of them for where they are now compared to where they were in August. There have been SO many improvements.

Mom made her homemade vegetable soup today. I know this may sound crazy, but I got teary-eyed when I picked up the soup she had set aside for us to have. These are the little things I didn't think about when Mom was so sick and now that they come around I think of what could have happened and I would have never eaten that soup again. There is nothing like Mom's vegetable soup. We also had her homemade pimiento cheese in a sandwich to go along with it. Wow, was that stinkin' good. :o)

The sweetest part about Mom's soup is that she made enough to take to two people in our church who have been sick. One of them is going through cancer and another broke her shoulder. It was so neat to see Mom being able to do for others after so long a time. She used to do that all of the time before her sickness so it was nice to see her feeling up to it again. She was also a blessing to the lady who has cancer because they were able to sit and talk and Mom could tell her that she definitely understands, in a lot of ways, what she is facing and going through. It reminded me of how the Lord puts things in our lives to help others. Now it is Mom's turn to be a blessing and a help.

Daddy came to school today to help me with some things for our play. It was so nice have MY Daddy be at school. You know, I am in my 30's and I don't think I'll ever get too old to get a butterfly in my stomach knowing Daddy is coming around. I am sure Mikayla feels that way when she sees Steve. I guess it is because Daddy's work longer hours a lot of times and you don't get to see them as often. I appreciated him coming, though. :o)

Steve will be getting home a little later tonight than usual and I am looking forward to him getting here because he needs to start a fire!! I just LOVE those fires.....can you tell???? OK...I realize that just sounded like all I need him for is to start a fire in the fireplace!!!! He is a wonderful man and I am thankful for him each day....and not just for starting a fire. ha!!

My brother and I are going to go see the Narnia movie on Saturday. I believe it begins tomorrow. I am looking forward to it. I'm sure I'll be posting how it goes!

Well, off to get one of the munchkins out of the tub, read some stories and get them off to bed. Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday. I am SO happy about that!!!

Have a wonderful evening and go enjoy some Christmas music!!!

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