Sunday, December 04, 2005

Wild Weekend

Here is Mikayla girl's ornament she got this year. She loves it because it has sparkles on the wings. I just think it is precious...just like she is.

You know, the way my children look at me sometimes is amazing and makes my heart skip. Yeah, I have moments when I want to scream when they don't listen, but those times really aren't that many. They just seem to happen when everything else is happening too. Today in church Mikayla just smiled at me with that sweet face and I thought I'd melt. I wish time wouldn't go so fast. Do you know what Wesley said to me the other night? He said "Mommy, do you know what my heart is full of? I said "No, what?" and he says "Love...." That was precious to me....they can say some of the sweetest and most innocent things. That is what I want to continue for them in their lives. I want that innocence for as long as I can keep it. know how I posted I was going to go sit in front of the fire and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate while looking at the Christmas tree lights and relax? Well, after 3 tries, the fire never started. I found out too late that I had used green wood! I thought I had gotten the dry wood. I can never get that right. By then, after working on the fire so many times, my hot chocolate was cool! Steve called to tell me he was going to be even later so I just sat down, smelling burnt green wood, staring at my Christmas tree and drinking cool hot chocolate. HA!! I decided to just veg in front of some TV show for a little while and then found myself falling asleep. I vaguely remembered Steve coming home at what I thought was 9:30 or so...only to find out later it was 10:30. He started the fire up pretty quickly (wouldn't you know it!) because he didn't want the wood to smell up the house. I was so out of it that I could barely talk to him. I only remember seeing him looking at the kids schoolwork and then I was out again. Next thing I know, I woke up, still in the recliner, and it was 12:45 am!!!! My contacts were so dried in my eyes that I couldn't even blink correctly. Once I got those out I was back in bed again. So much for the evening I had planned, huh???

On Saturday my brother came down and we went out and about getting things for Christmas and such. Steve had to work all day again. Our day took longer just because of all the people out shopping now. We didn't get back until mid-afternoon and then I went with one of my friends and her husband to watch one of her daughters in a local Christmas parade. This was the first one Wesley and Mikayla had ever been to so it was a neat experience. The funny thing was that it started to sleet when we got there! I didn't even know it was supposed to rain, let alone sleet! It didn't last long, though, and the rain held off till after the parade was over. When we got out of there we called Steve for him to meet us at a restaurant so he could be with us for supper. After that we went to our friends house for a while and sat and talked while the kids played. Wesley was so tired, though, that he fell asleep on their couch in between Steve and myself. It was sweet.

Today we went to church and then went to Mom and Dad's. We had to work on making stockings out of paper for Wesley and Mikayla for school tomorrow. I thought they did a pretty neat job of them. It was a project where we all could work together on them. If I hadn't of been so stressed over getting some tests graded I had forgotten about I could have enjoyed the experience a lot more!! :o) I'm going to take a picture of them tomorrow so hopefully I can post it on my blog tomorrow. They really turned out cute.

Well, off to get ready for another day of school. Have a wonderful day everyone!

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