Friday, December 16, 2005

Busy week

I am back! Finally. This has been one busy week. I had the Christmas play at school and that tired me out quite a bit and then Wesley was sick so my week has been hectic.

Wesley had a bad cold and it just made him feel lousy. He never had a fever so it was a good lesson that even though you feel crummy you have to keep on keeping on.

The play went REALLY well and I was proud of all of the students. It is neat to see something go from paper, as I worked on it for so long, to being performed and know what I had pictured in my head really could be accomplished!

I am ready for a break. It is SO hard to get out of the bed in the morning and at night I am no good. All I want to do is get in my pajamas and curl up in front of the about wonderful. I have fallen asleep each evening rather early only to wake up around 11:00 either on the couch or in the recliner. That is some good sleeping in front of the fire, though!!!

I did a splurge today.... I normally have to think about something for a long time before I actually buy it but today I didn't!! I saw the CUTEST flannel and fleece pajama had Tweety Bird and the other had Tinkerbell on them. (Or as Mikayla likes to call her...TinkleBeauty/TinkleBell) Well, they were also on "sale" so that caught my eye. Well, I bought the things. ha! I love them. I hope they feel as good on as they look. I also had to buy some shirts to go as tops since they didn't come with them but I made sure I didn't pay much for those. :o) I'll have to take a picture of them! I just pictured myself sitting in front of the fireplace drinking hot chocolate. (Are you seeing a theme lately in all of my posts...something with fire and chocolate????)

Tonight we are going out with some of our good friends to celebrate Christmas. We will have our own "Feliz Navidad Fiesta" at our favorite Mexican Restaurant which we affectionately call "holas". We call it that because Wesley and Mikayla only heard "Hola" when we would walk in the door when they were babies and so that is where the name came from. It will never be another name in my opinion. ha! I am looking forward to some chips and salsa. If only I could wear one of my new flannel pajama pants! Don't you think that would look FESTIVE????

We got some freezing rain yesterday and parts north of us were having trouble with ice. We didn't have too much trouble so it was nice we didn't miss any school. They are saying that Sunday we may get some more "stuff" but I am not sure what that would be. I guess we'll see. :o) I am looking forward to some snow, though. We didn't really have any last year and it was a bit disheartening. I love seeing everything covered in white and peaceful. Makes me realize how busy our lives are and how nice it is for everything to "stop" for a short time. (At least here in the south....we don't do well in the snow/ice! HA!)

Today's picture is of Wesley's shepherd ornament. I don't look at shepherds/sheep in the same way I used to either. Wesley has his "Mam" that he has loved since he was a baby and I love it just as much as he does. Everytime he sees a shepherd or a lamb he points it out. You know, it is pretty special when you think about it because the first people who came to see baby Jesus were the shepherds. They couldn't have gone to see Him if He had been born in a palace. As I am sitting here thinking over it, I also am realizing that Jesus, being the PERFECT Lamb was visited by shepherds who still needed a Savior. Jesus is our Shepherd, the Perfect Lamb, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Oh, may we truly celebrate CHRISTmas this year and not forget that Jesus truly is the reason for the season. It is not about being politically correct. It is about giving honor and praise to our Savior.

May you all have a blessed and peaceful CHRISTMAS evening.

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