Tuesday, December 06, 2005

One of those days....

Oh my...can life get any busier right now? And I have even "stepped away" from some things that we normally do this time of year! Between work and life at home my time is not my own. I'll be glad when some things calm down....

Today was one of those days that went well for the most part, but then you find out something at the end of the day that blows all of that out of the water. I hate days like that. You know, it isn't that the "bad" thing is all that BAD, but it justs adds on to other things and it seems that way. I need a Calgon moment, I believe. Today I feel that no matter how far I try to get ahead, I am behind. I guess we all have times of feeling that way.

The picture today is of one of the angels on my mantel. I love this angel and I love to make the lights shine underneath it to give it a glow. This isn't the best picture of it, but it was when I was playing around with my new camera. I'll be taking more pictures of Christmasy things as soon as I get my "head on straight."

Steve cooked supper for us tonight. He actually cooked it last night and we ate it tonight. Tuesdays are always hard because I take the kids to Kindermusik. Since I don't get home until late it makes it hard to have a great meal without Steve's help. Of course, the way things have gone this year, Steve is cooking MOST of the time!! Hey, my opinion is, though, that a marriage is a 50/50 and we have to help each other out.... I would be so lost if I didn't have Steve. He is always there to pick up where I leave off. I am so thankful for him.

Well, it is almost time to get the kiddos in bed and I need to read them a couple of stories. After the kids are in bed, I think I'll try to have a HOT chocolate tonight while I sit in front of the fireplace...where STEVE has already started a fire, and gaze at the Christmas tree. Sounds like a plan to me!!!! Have a great one!

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