Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I realize that most people see this as a weed.

In fact, Steve hates it with all his yard-working heart.  He will do whatever is needed soon to get rid of this weed in our yard.

I, however, always find it beautiful.

I love to photograph the small details of this "weed."

Today's picture continues to show that detail that I so love in hinbit... did you know it is related to mint and has a square stem?

Today I am doing another "VLOG" on my blog.

I have been telling my students "Mrs. Fowler stories" for as long as I can remember.  There are many that I tell every year and my kids ask me year to year whether I told "that" story yet.  I decided I needed to record them for posterity sake.  I am going to do a series of "Mrs. Fowler story" vlogs after I have told them to my students this year.  I have learned to tell them when I teach certain things so I do not forget to tell them.  Of course, there are always times I am still having things happen to me so I am sure the "Mrs. Fowler stories" will continue in my life.  

Here is your first "Mrs. Fowler story".... hope you enjoy.  I usually teach this one when I teach how to make a cursive lowercase "x" because it is like skiing down a hill and the ski pole gets stuck in the mountain.  I think you'll understand why after you hear "the rest of the story."

My Skiing Adventure


Mich said...

Loved this!!!

You cracked me up! :)

I have never been skiing, But my hubby has told me plenty of similar stories.

Ramblings of a Southern Girl ~ Rhonda G said...

Too funny! :)

wendy said...

Oh, high school. We were all SOOOOO smart back then, right? It's fun to see your face and hear your southern accent :)