Thursday, February 16, 2012


Does anyone remember THESE?  (Yes, I am going back in time this week, it seems...) I loved the Smurfs growing up....I was all about Smurfette!

Papa Smurf

I was a collector of these as you can tell.  These came with the California Raisins Kevin brought me.  Mikayla loves these, too.  lol

The Smurfs were one of my favorite cartoons growing up.  I still remember the line "Are we there yet, Papa Smurf?"  When I was in sixth grade I won a huge Smurf for selling candy bars or something like that.  I was special.

I find it humorous what entertained me as a child.  Here is a short clip of their theme song:


Ramblings of a Southern Girl ~ Rhonda G said...

Awe, these are cute! I don't remember the figurines, but loved the Smurfs! :)

truth in weakness said...

okay, i don't even need to click on the clip to now have that theme song going through my head all day thank you very much . . . LOL ;)