Tuesday, February 14, 2012



Happy Valentine's Day!

I am remembering a Valentine's Day 17 years ago today.

Sweet Man and I had been married about a year and a half.  We still had a lot to learn about love.  Well, I still had a lot to learn about love!

We didn't have a lot of money in our early years.  (Not that we are overflowing now, but we are quite blessed by the Lord!)  Steve wanted to get me something for Valentine's Day but didn't get it.  He made the mistake of telling me that.

I say mistake because I still had a lot to learn.

When he told me, I began to get angry.  I just couldn't believe he didn't buy me what he had said he wanted to get me.  I should get something special because it was Valentine's Day!  That was the day to show love and spoil your significant other - aka ME.

I made my Sweet Man feel so badly that he went out and bought me a heart ring.  It is a ring I still wear to this day and I love it.  However, it also reminds me of how I treated him when he was doing the best he could do.  He sacrificed a lot to get something "blingy" for his spoiled Valentine that year.
Through the years I have learned that how I felt that Valentine's Day was so wrong.  I have learned that love isn't just to be shown on Valentine's Day or other special holidays.

Real love is shown daily.

It isn't about something given or expected.

Sweet Man gives of himself to me daily.  Here are just a few ways I have learned he does that.... he is my daily Valentine:

He is always there.  I never have to worry that he is thinking about someone else.

He loves me even when I fall asleep on the couch.... most every night.

He accepts me for who I am and encourages me.

He fights for me... sometimes when I am not aware.

He wants to protect me and take away any pain I may be feeling.

He has been there with me through some hard times.

He cooks us supper.

He doesn't mind helping out with the cleaning.

He is an excellent Father.

He has a huge heart.

He is a hard worker for us.

He sacrifices things he wants for things for us.

I could go on bragging about Sweet Man.  He has taught me that love is not what you get but what you give to others.  

He knows he doesn't need to get me anything today.  I am long past the spoiled one that had to get something on this day.  Just having him is present enough.

He is my Valentine every day.

As I said yesterday, here is the song by Whitney Houston that Steve kept singing.  I will always love him. <3


Gretchen said...

Yep, he's a keeper! Aren't we blessed?! I'm so thankful for my valentine too!

Anonymous said...

Kellie Honey, I am thankful that you feel that way about my Steve!
I think you are both so fortunate to have each oyher.
Happy Valentines to you both !!!
Love - Love

Sandy M. said...

Love this! And all (except "cooks supper") apply to my Honey too!

Ramblings of a Southern Girl ~ Rhonda G said...

Great post! You are certainly blessed to have discovered what true love is and to have someone so wonderful to share it with! So many never have either! :)

I was hosting WMU Circle Meeting at my home last night, and most of the house was clean and ready, except our bedroom. I just knew someone would wander in there, and was so stressed. I've always handled the house chores and cleaning, and am perfectly fine with that. Kevin probably doesn't know where the broom, vacuum, or laundry chute is! LOL! But yesterday morning, while I was taking David to school, Kevin cleaned and straightened our entire room ...spotless! He even made the bed and placed the "pretty" pillows, which I know he detest them so! I was so touched!!! He couldn't have given me anything better for Valentines! We had our years of growing and learning about love, too! LOL! ...primarily ME!

Well, sorry for the long email, Just thought I'd share that with you! :) Happy belated Valentines Day!

Ramblings of a Southern Girl ~ Rhonda G said...

Oh, love the photo, too! Beautiful!