Saturday, February 11, 2012


I must admit that these "pods" were very neat to me when I photographed them the other day.  They are on our crepe myrtle tree.  I enjoyed walking around photographing ordinary things... did my mental health some good.  I will share in the next few weeks what I found that day.  With no snow this year I have had a hard time photographing winter.  These pictures I captured will show a different side of winter.  I found it rather interesting.
I am reminded daily how quickly my babies are growing up.  This is a song written by Todd Smith, one of the singers in Selah.  It describes his children, except for his newest addition which was not born when he wrote it.  It is such a sweet song to help remember that each moment with my children is a gift.  Enjoy:

1 comment:

Mich said...

pretty song

They grow so fast.