Friday, July 22, 2011


We are in the 100's in the last few days.  

It has been stifling.  

This picture reminds me of the rain we had a few weeks ago... and how much we need some now.
This temperature is also reminding me why I began something this summer that a lot of people would think I am crazy for doing.

I set my alarm to get up early.... 5:30 - 6:30.

I began the summer with sleeping in because I just needed it.

I still didn't like sleeping in too much and would get the kids up and we would go walk.  (Or, I would walk and they would ride bikes or scooters.)

As the summer went along and it was getting hotter I decided to start getting up really early and go walk before the sun came up too high.  I knew the kids enjoyed sleeping in some so I left them and Steve in the house while I would go walk.

I found out how much I enjoyed that.

I didn't have to feel as if I was on alert for a car coming and the kids not seeing it.  I could just concentrate on myself and my walking.

I also found that I enjoyed that time with the Lord.  I listen to my praise music on my MP3 player and pray or think about what the Lord has done for me during that whole time.

It has been therapeutic for me in many ways.

My desire is to continue those walks when school starts.  They just won't be early because I will be getting up even earlier to get to school, but I want to continue that quiet time with the Lord.  I'll have to work it in after school.

What is something you have enjoyed doing daily this summer?


Anonymous said...

I too enjoy doing my walks in the morning while it's not so hot and I'm fresh out of bed and can talk to the Lord with no that! Also I've been enjoying doing a Bible study with just myself that is so awesome. It's by Kelly Minter called No More Idols...very good!

Amy said...

Your walks sound very nice, but that is so early! Although, I'd have to do the same to avoid that heat, I would seriously melt!!! :)