Friday, June 24, 2011


What is something I love to eat beyond words?

That would be cheese.
When Steve and I went to Boone for our anniversary we stopped in at Ashe County Cheese and picked us up some smoked mozzarella and Pepper Jack. The mozzarella was gone within the first week because there wasn't much of it... and, well, I didn't want it to be sad sitting in that fridge. The pepper jack has been a continual joy.

I love, love, love most all kinds of cheeses. Muenster, Colby, Swiss, the above mentioned... etc... However, I cannot.... really, truly cannot do goat cheese. I have tried it on several occasions and just can't swing the taste. My best friend and I were at a place last fall that had aged cheddar cheese samples. This cheddar cheese was around $27.00 a pound! We were frequent flyers to the sample area. We would walk away and then meander through the store to get back to the samples. We probably ate the $27.00 worth of samples.

I know it helps with calcium, but if I ate all that I would like to I would be a walking cheese head... and not from Wisconsin. lol

Speaking of Wisconsin... a friend from church is there visiting her family and called me just to see what kind of cheese we wanted so she could bring us back some!!! I am beyond excited for the delivery of Wisconsin cheese. :) (Thanks, Beth!!!)

Do you like cheese?

What is your favorite?

1 comment:

wendy said...

Oh, I've thought it before, but now I know you are really a kindred spirit. Cheese is like right up there on my list of favorite foods, things I would bring to a deserted island, what I can't go a day without. . . and so on and so forth. If you ever make it out here, I'll take you to the Tillamook Cheese Factory. They have free samples there too :)