Friday, June 03, 2011


Do you remember how some weeks back I shared that I was cross-stitching again?

I showed this picture:

Did anyone guess what it was going to be?

It was something for Wesley.

He has been anticipating its finished product for some time.

I finally finished day before yesterday.

Here it is!

His love of frogs led me to this one. I'll have to do a tractor for him next, I am guessing.


Here is the pattern for my next cross-stitch project:

This is something for my office.

The pattern was nine pages long that had to be pieced together. It took up most of the middle of my couch as you can see.

It is going to be quite lovely when finished.

BUT, it is also going to be quite the challenge.....

I think it will be a long time before Wes gets that tractor!!!


Anonymous said...

That frog is beautiful,I know a lot of your down time went into that. I know Wesley will cherrish his frog. Lordy, that tractor looks like it will be a chore. Good luck!!
Love - Love

Lori H. said...

Frog...yay, you finished! It looks great!

Pattern on couch...girl, are you CRAZY?! LOL..can't wait to see what it is!