Saturday, June 04, 2011


I read a great blog today.

It is from Renee, my former student. She spoke about how people put too much out there on Facebook.

She said a lot of what I have thought recently.

I would love for you to read it. (click on the green link above to go to that blog)

I am going to add some of my own thoughts to that as well.

As school came to a close and I saw yet another class graduate from our Christian school, I began to consider their lives. Their lives that they had in front of them.

I remember being that age. I remember thinking I had the world by the tail and I knew it all... and that I was in control. I just laugh and laugh at that now. Little old me thought I was in control. Boy, did the Lord have to show me THAT was NOT true!

What they don't realize is that they are a reflection of where they came from.... a Christian school and, for I hope most, a Christian home.

What kind of reflection will they be?

It makes me sad to see on Facebook, and other areas, that students I have taught have chosen a path that is not the best. They have forgotten what they learned and went with their own desires. It is so easy to do at that age.

Some of it is rebellion of what they have had to "endure." (rules and such)

Some of it is hearing the Word so much they became immune to it and they did not listen any longer.

Some of it is the thinking that "I go to church on Sundays and Wednesdays and I am just fine." They just don't think of God any other day of the week.

The thing is, I remember some of those same feelings. I remember being that way in some ways. I am not sitting here condemning them, but I am looking back with a 20/20 vision. It wasn't until the Lord woke me up in a big way that I began to realize certain things in life. I know this will have to happen to some of those students, too.

What many of them do not realize is that we are watching. The world is watching. They may be the only "Bible" anyone ever sees.

I tell my students all of the time that once they are in my class they are my "chil'ren" forever. I watch them as they grow up. I watch them in their choices. And, yes, I watch them on Facebook only because my desire is for them to grow closer to the Lord and not farther away. (Of course, with some of what is posted on Facebook you do not have to look past your home page to see what they are doing!) When I see them drift from Him, the only thing I can do is pray for them. I have done that many times for students who will never know they have had prayers sent up on their behalf by their "old" second grade teacher. Just because they are out of my class does not mean I have forgotten them.

It does, however, do my heart good to see former students who are learning more about the Lord and are desiring to become more like Christ. I can name a few here.... Renee, Carrie, Ashley. I am sure there are others, but these are ones I can read their blogs. It is just exciting to see young ladies who desire a closer walk with the Lord. I enjoy reading how they "think" out loud in their blogs about things the Lord has laid on their hearts. I want to encourage them all that I can.

SO, if you are reading this and are one of my former students, just remember I am watching. I am not a stalker.... please don't think that! ha! However, I do care and love you still even though it has been many years. You are in my prayers.

I will step off my soap box now. Thank you for reading this far as I shared my heart.


Mich said...

My husband just got back from his trip with his seniors. Always sad to see them go...

Yes, you can really learn a lot about some people on facebook. It is like they forget the whole world can read their thoughts or see their pictures.

Carrie said...

Thanks, Mrs. Fowler for your encouraging words. It's wonderful to be encouraged through others' writings. And God is truly doing a lot! You are wonderful! :)